Kids & Company Blog

Kidco Kitchen Nutrition Curriculum!

It is March our favourite month of the year because it is NUTRITION MONTH! Here at the Kidco Kitchen we are proud that we have put in a tremendous amount of effort creating a healthy and nutritious curriculum for your kids, executed weekly by our fantastic teachers! We strongly believe that children who have a nutritional education from a young age are set up for success to continue along a path of healthy eating for the rest of their lives.

Our curriculum focuses on three important main areas: where food comes from, exploring foods through the senses and how food affects our bodies. By educating your children on the basics of food nutrition, it allows them to have the power to make healthy choices by themselves at a young age. This curriculum was launched in February 2015, and the positive effects in the classrooms have been outstanding! After introducing the nutrition curriculum, the children have been more interested in what they are eating as well as more willing to try new foods. The curriculum is split up by month, each month focusing on a new topic, with weekly lessons incorporated into every classroom. The curriculum features topics for the kids such as “Plump Potatoes”, “Marvelous Melons” or “Crazy Carrots”. These fun and intriguing titles keep your kiddies interested and help them gain nutritional knowledge.

The curriculum topic of where food comes from is very important to teach our children. Even at a young age it is important that kiddies learn and understand that many foods come naturally from plants or farms, and that it is not natural or healthy to eat foods that have been processed or drastically changed from their original form. We teach your children that plant based and natural foods are what gives them the energy they need to jump and run around all day long! Another very important topic which is focused on in the curriculum is exploring foods through the senses. Using the five senses: taste, sight, touch, smell and sound help the children learn about foods while using all of their senses exploring the food groups. When the children are eating we have questions for meal time including “what does it look like”, “what does it smell like” and “what happens when you bite and chew it”? Asking these questions helps the kiddies analyse the foods and think about what they are eating. The final curriculum topic which is focused on is equally as important, it is how food affects our bodies. Every food we eat has a different affect on our bodies whether negative or positive, and foods can either benefit us or put us at risk. This is why it is important that kids know what they are eating and what it is doing to their bodies.

The Kidco Kitchen curriculum educates your children on nutritious and healthy foods focusing on the Kidco Kitchen motto “building healthy bodies and minds”. Make sure you ask your kiddies this month what food group they are learning about and see what they have learnt!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @kidcochildcare and on Instagram @cheflisaruscica!


Chef Lisa Ruscica

Chief Food Ambassador

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