Kids & Company Blog

Step by Step Guide on CPR

Most people don't think to brush up their skills in First Aid until after an emergency happens. We at Kids & Company believe that it is better to be proactive instead of reactive. Here are step by step guides for performing CPR on infants under the age of 1 and children between the ages of 1 - 8 years.

baby water

CPR - Infant (less than 1 year)

  1. Test for consciousness. Rub the child’s shoulder and talk to them to see if they wake up.

  2. If not, call 911. Tell them who you are, the address of where you are and where you are in the building, that you have an unconscious infant and need a paramedic. If calling on a land line, stay on the phone until the operator hangs up. If on a cell, they will stay on the phone with you until help arrives.

  3. Keep the child on his back, and tilt their head back until their chin is pointing at the ceiling.

  4. Hover your head over the child mouth while looking at their chest. Monitor their breathing for 10 seconds. You will be able to hear their breath, feel the breath on your cheek, and see their chest go up and down. If they have 1 very weak breath, or no breathing at all, start CPR

  5. Put your index finger and thumb into the infant’s armpits, and pinch towards the centre of their chest. Rest your index finger in the middle of their chest, along with your 2 middle fingers. You will use the two middle fingers to do your compressions.

  6. When pushing into the chest you should push about 1/3 into the chest diameter, and no more than 4 cm. Do this 30 times

  7. Tilt the child’s head back with their chin in the air. Completely seal their mouth and nose with your mouth. Breathe in, unseal to let them exhale, then give a second breath. Only blow the air that you can hold in your cheeks (puffs). They have tiny lungs and you don’t want to overinflate.

  8. Repeat septs 6 and 7.

  9. If they vomit, roll them to their side. Wait for them to finish and make sure their mouth is empty. Repeat step 4 to see if they have started breathing. If still not breathing, continue CPR.

  10. Continue until the ambulance arrives.

cpr infant 2

CPR - Child (1 year to 8 years)

  1. Test for consciousness. Rub the child’s shoulder and talk to them to see if they wake up.

  2. If not, call 911. Tell them who you are, the address of where you are and where you are in the building, that you have an unconscious child and need a paramedic. If calling on a land line, stay on the phone until the operator hangs up. If on a cell, they will stay on the phone with you until help arrives.

  3. Keep the child on his back, and tilt their head back until their chin is pointing at the ceiling.

cpr child

  1. Hover your head over the child mouth while looking at their chest. Monitor their breathing for 10 seconds. You will be able to hear their breath, feel the breath on your cheek, and see their chest go up and down. If they have 1 very weak breath, or no breathing at all, start CPR

  2. Put your hand into their armpit, and run across to the center of their chest. Have the hard part of your palm on their chest, and lock your arms.

  3. When pushing into the chest you should push about 1/3 into the chest diameter, and no more than 2 inches. Do this 30 times

  4. Tilt the child’s head back with their chin in the air. Plug their nose, and completely seal their mouth with yours. Breathe in, unseal and unplug the mouth and nose for them to exhale, then give a second breath. Pretend to be blowing up a balloon. Breathe in until you meet resistance – you do not want to overinflate the lungs.

  5. Repeat steps 6 and 7

  6. If they vomit, roll them to their side. Wait for them to finish and make sure their mouth is empty. Repeat step 4 to see if they have started breathing. If still not breathing, continue CPR.

  7. Continue until the ambulance arrives.

Stay tuned for a step by step guide on how to deal with Choking in part 2 of my blog next week!






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