Kids & Company Blog

5 Tips to Improve Summer Sleep

This blog is written by our guest author, Alana Metallo, Certified Sleep Consultant from MetaSleep Consulting. MetaSleep helps families navigate sleep and live a well-rested lifestyle. Through consultation, they educate, guide, and support families about the benefits of healthy sleep, and help parents create a customized sleep routine for their children’s naps and bedtime.

School is out for summer! The days are longer, and children are excited to enjoy all that summer has to offer. At this time of year, schedules become less rigid, which can alter sleep patterns. The extended hours of sunlight also impact children’s circadian rhythm (their internal clock) which can cause sleep to change. Summer sleep deprivation can cause children (and adults) to have a hard time focusing, changes in behaviour, increased anxiety, and overall health.

We can still enjoy the summer while honouring sleep. Keeping the following tips in mind will help your family keep good sleep hygiene over the summer holidays.

Sleep Environment

Optimal sleep spaces are dark, cool, and calm. Using blackout blinds and curtains will help to keep the room dark enough for sleep. Light peaking in can make it challenging to fall asleep and stay asleep for long stretches of time. Children aged 6 and over can use a sleep mask to help block out additional light. Using a sound machine will help to block out noises inside and outside of your home (think early morning birds chirping, fireworks, racing cars, a busy household).


While our schedules change over the summertime, consistency is still important. You’ll want to establish regular morning wake-up and sleep times with your children. Waking up and going to sleep at the same time helps to regulate your body's circadian rhythm. Try to engage in the same routines each day at approximately the same times.

Natural Light Exposure

Daily exposure to sunlight aids our bodies to build sleep pressure (the drive for sleep). Encourage your children to go outside and play as often as possible. Natural light contributes to the function of our circadian rhythm. When children go for a nap or to bed, the sun is often shining bright. You will want to ensure that your child’s room is dark and cool. Blocking out the light will help to increase melatonin levels and create a conductive sleep environment.

Screen Time

Screens are a great source of education and entertainment for children. The blue light from phones, tablets, televisions, and computers can impact the melatonin levels and delay sleepiness. You will want to ensure to end screen time at least one hour before your child’s bedtime. To help with sleep hygiene, try engaging in quiet activities or family board games before bed.

Physical Activity 

Regular physical activity can help children improve their cardiovascular fitness, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the chance of developing heart disease. Summertime is the perfect opportunity to engage in a variety of physical activities such as swimming, running, walking, sports, etc. Participating in physical activities builds your body's sleep pressure. Keeping active will help your child fall asleep quicker and stay asleep for longer stretches of time.

If you have tried the tips above and are still experiencing troubles with your child’s sleep, schedule a discovery call with MetaSleep Consulting today. MetaSleep helps families navigate sleep and live a well-rested lifestyle. Through consultation, they educate, guide, and support families about the benefits of healthy sleep, and help parents create a customized sleep routine for their children’s naps and bedtime.

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