Kids & Company Blog

Green Projects in Action: our Community Clean-up Pilot program

On August 17th, we kicked off our first Kids & Company Community Clean Up Day in Victoria, B.C., marking the beginning of a series of impactful Green Projects. Taking place at our Annual Beacon Hill Family Picnic, our families united to clean up a local park and learn about the important role of pollinators. Our goal was to kick off our Green Projects with an initiative that reflects our belief to show how small, localized efforts can create significant and lasting impacts. Parks are central to community life, serving as spaces for families to gather, children to play, and individuals to connect with nature.

Making Environmental Stewardship Fun and Engaging

Our approach to environmental stewardship is all about making it enjoyable and educational for our children and families. At the picnic, participants used a bingo card activity to spot and collect litter around the park. Falling on National Honeybee Awareness Day, this theme inspired our activity to relate our clean-up to an educational focus and learning opportunity about pollinators and the important connection between bees, their habitats and our earth. This interactive activity not only helped clean the environment but also engaged children in learning about sustainability in a fun and meaningful way.

Our commitment to sustainability extended beyond the clean-up activity. Throughout the event, our staff encouraged families to separate compost, recyclables, and garbage. By integrating these practices into the event, we ensured that the park was left in better condition than we found it. This hands-on approach demonstrates our dedication to environmental responsibility and serves as a model for others. As noted by our CEO Victoria Sopik, “As we become more aware of the environmental challenges our planet faces, Kids & Company is making a concerted effort to ensure a more sustainable future for our families, our children’s families and beyond.”  To read more about why being environmentally conscious is important to Kids & Company and Victoria Sopik, please find our blog here.

Leadership and Community

Our staff played a crucial role in the success of this initiative. Team captains, including Dana Gerrard in Victoria, stepped up to lead and motivate the team, showcasing our commitment to organizing and executing impactful events. Their proactive involvement ensured the smooth execution of the event and highlighted how leadership from within our own community can inspire and mobilize others. Their leadership not only made the event successful but also set a standard for future initiatives.

Kids & Company: Leading the Way in Sustainability

As we move forward, we’re excited to expand our Green Projects and organize more community clean-up events in the future. Our goal is to empower social innovation and demonstrate our commitment to creating cleaner, healthier communities for our children and future generations.

At Kids & Company, we’re proud to be at the forefront of sustainability and environmental innovation. Our Green Projects reflect our dedication to making a positive impact on our communities and our planet. By integrating these values into our activities and initiatives, we aim to inspire others and lead by example. For more information click here to read our sustainability policy.

Stay tuned for more updates on our Green Projects and upcoming events!

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