Kids & Company Blog

How Before-and-After-School Programs Enhance Social and Academic Development

Before-and-After-School programs can be a great way to help children thrive, especially in social and academic growth. In addition to supporting children’s development, the benefits to busy or working parents can be significant. The safe and structured environments of these programs can provide parents a peace of mind while allowing them to focus on other responsibilities.

At Kids & Company, we recognize the importance of this developmental period and offer comprehensive School-Age Programming for children ages 5-12 (Grades 1–6). Our flexible schedules and extended hours offer busy parents a reliable support system to balance work and family life.

The Nurturing Role of After-School Programs

Before-and-After-School programs can serve as an extension of the school day, offering opportunities for children to engage in activities that promote learning and social interaction. At Kids & Company, our trusted educators design programs that cater to each child's unique developmental needs through a combination of fun and educational activities.

  1.       Social Development: After-school programs provide a social setting where children can play with others outside the regular school setting, or creatively express themselves through arts, drama or imaginative play. Social interaction helps them develop essential social skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. 
  2.       Academic Support: Homework help and academic support are integral parts of our Before-and-After-school programs. Interactive books, games, and planned activities within the classroom play a key role in enhancing cognitive development and mental acuteness. Children receive the support they need to excel academically while also having the opportunity to explore new interests and hobbies.

school age children activities

Kids & Company School-Age Programs

Select Kids & Company locations offer a variety of School-Age Programs designed to support both the social and academic development of children. Our programs include Before-and-After-School Care, School Break Care, and Summer Camp.

Before and After School Programs

Our Before-and-After-School Care is tailored for children aged 5-12, providing them with a balanced mix of play and academic support. Children can engage in activities that suit their needs, whether it's playing with friends, seeking quiet time, or expressing creativity through various forms of art. The program includes:

  1.       Flexible Drop-Off and Pick-Up: Drop-off is open anytime after each location opens and before 9:00 AM, and pick-up is available anytime after 4:00 PM until close. Location hours may vary slightly, so it’s best to check your specific location for exact times.
  2.       Homework Help: Dedicated time and resources for homework help ensure that children can complete their schoolwork effectively.
  3.       Enriching Activities: A variety of interactive books, games, and planned activities designed to enhance cognitive development and keep children engaged.

school age children playing games

School Break Programming

Understanding that families need reliable care during school breaks, Kids & Company offers coverage for school-age children aged 5-12 during scheduled breaks such as PD days, March/Spring Break, and the Winter Holidays (excluding statutory holidays and weekends). Our School Break Programming ensures that children continue to have access to enriching activities and social interaction even when school is not in session.

Benefits of Kids & Company's School-Age Programs

  1.       Well-Trained Staff: Our programs are run by experienced educators who focus on the developmental needs of each child.
  2.       Flexible Schedules: We offer flexible schedules to accommodate the varying needs of families.
  3.       Nutritious Lunch and Snacks: Nutritious lunch and snacks are provided as part of our School-Age Programs, ensuring that children are well-fed and ready to learn and play. (Available at select locations).

After-school programs play a crucial role in enhancing both the social and academic development of children. At Kids & Company, our School-Age Programs are designed to provide a supportive and enriching environment where children can thrive. Whether it's through our Before-and-After-School Care or our School Break Programming, we are committed to helping children grow and succeed.

Looking for School-Age programming? Learn more here and inquire today!




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