Kids & Company Blog

Top 7 Eco-Friendly Back-to-School Tips for a Greener Transition

As summer fades and the back-to-school season kicks off, it’s a fantastic opportunity to think about how we can make our return to the classroom more eco-friendly. While it can be exciting to start the year with new supplies and clothes, here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of what you may already have! Incorporating sustainable practices into our school routines benefits the planet and sets a positive example for our children. Here’s a guide to help you gear up for the new school year with a sustainable twist!

1. Choose Eco-Friendly School Supplies

Start the school year on a green note by opting for supplies that are kind to the environment. Look for items made from recycled materials, like notebooks with recycled paper and pencils crafted from reclaimed wood. Consider investing in reusable alternatives that will last longer than single-use alternatives. Here is some inspiration!

Reusable Water Bottles: Say goodbye to single-use plastic bottles. A durable, reusable bottle keeps water cold and helps reduce waste.

Lunch Containers: Choose reusable lunch boxes and containers made from stainless steel or BPA-free plastic. They are more eco-friendly and often more durable.

Cloth Napkins: Swap out paper napkins for cloth alternatives that can be washed and reused.

2. Sustainable Clothing Choices

With growing children, often when the new school year comes along it is also time to refresh their wardrobe. This year, consider making sustainable choices for back-to-school clothes. Opt for brands that prioritize eco-friendly materials and ethical production practices. Look for items made from organic cotton, recycled fabrics, or second-hand pieces that give clothes a second life. Not only does this help reduce environmental impact, but it also teaches children the value of thoughtful consumption. By choosing sustainable fashion, you can start the school year with a fresh, eco-conscious approach that benefits both your family and the planet.

3. Eco-Friendly Transportation Options

Consider Greener Ways to Get to School! Your choice of transportation can significantly impact your carbon footprint. If you live close to school, walking or biking is a great way to cut down on emissions and get some exercise, you may be closer than you think! If you are not within walking distance, consider organizing a carpooling group. Share rides with friends or neighbours to help reduce the number of vehicles on the road. For longer distances, use public transit if it's available and convenient.

4. Green Back-to-School Prep Ideas

From lunch packing to study areas, here are some ideas to keep things green. Trends come and go, try to steer away from getting decorations that you may not love in 6 months, and consider decorating your study area with items you already have or use upcycled materials to create a greener workspace. Old jars can make perfect pencil holders!

5. Mindful Consumption Habits

Be conscious of what and how you buy. Opt for quality! Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. Though they might be more expensive initially, they will be better for the environment in the long run. High-quality items not only withstand wear and tear but also reduce the need for frequent replacements, which means less waste.

6. Promote Recycling and Waste Reduction

The start of a new school year is a great opportunity to integrate sustainable practices into daily routines. Promote recycling and waste reduction by setting up recycling bins for paper, plastic, and other recyclables at home. Encourage your kids to sort their waste properly, turning it into a fun and educational activity! This will bring what they are learning at school into your home and create long-lasting eco-habits. Additionally, consider starting a compost bin for food scraps and yard waste. Composting reduces landfill waste and enriches the soil, making it an excellent way to teach children about the environmental benefits of reducing waste. By incorporating these habits, you help foster a culture of sustainability that will benefit both your family and the planet.

7. Educate and Inspire Your Children

Lead by example! Use this opportunity to educate your kids by leading through example. Show your commitment to greener practices—whether it’s using reusable shopping bags, opting for eco-friendly school supplies, or practicing mindful consumption. Children often admire their parents and aspire to mirror their actions. By visibly adopting these sustainable habits, you set a powerful example that can inspire them to follow suit. Demonstrating your dedication to the environment not only influences their choices but also helps cultivate a sense of responsibility and pride in living sustainably.

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