Kids & Company Blog: Behaviour

Transitioning Sensitive Children

In the child care world, we often talk about “transitioning” from one part of the daily schedule to the next. Children might be playing on the carpet and then need to come to the table to have their snack. Most children manage this transition well and when told that it is “snack time” they jump up from their play and run happily to the table.
Some children have a harder time with this and need to be told a few times, “soon it will be snack time”, “a few more minutes”, “start to get ready” and other reminders like these. We find this makes things much easier.

Is there such a thing as too much praise?

I do consider myself somewhat of a “parenting expert” and this is not just because I have 8 children, but also because many years ago (26 to be exact), I attended a 2-year parenting course called “Children the Challenge”. Since then, I have continued with reading and taking courses every year. While I do not always agree with what I read, I feel that the answer for parents is to read/learn and decide what makes sense for you.

When Your Child Bites

One of the most upsetting social faux-pas your baby or toddler can commit in their early years is to bite another child (or adult). One baby is in tears, his or her parents are often upset that their child was used as a chew toy and the biter’s parents are embarrassed. No one wants their little one to be excluded from play-dates and birthday parties for using their teeth a bit too liberally but parents and caregivers are often unsure what to do.

Separation Anxiety: Not your Child’s, Yours!

As a woman with 8 children I can tell you that the evolution of being a parent contains many events that repeat themselves. Having children at different stages of development meant that I tackled developmental hurdles like a juggler on a tightrope attached to moving cars. I can tell you this though, there are certain feelings that come up over and over again, and separating from your children – be it for child care, sleepover camp, or university – always feels the same.

Teaching Gratitude

October keeps catching me by surprise. The cold weather comes and stays. Then I’ve got to excavate the fall and winter clothes from storage and pull out my favorite autumn recipes. I flip the page on the wall calendar and start thinking about Halloween costumes, pumpkin carving, booking holiday travel, and buying new snowsuits for the kids (when will they stop outgrowing one each year?).

What to do if your Child is Biting…

Some people think that the children that bite are “bad children”, this is not true. They are almost always just children that are trying to communicate and to get the attention of their friends and family members.

As a parent with a toddler in child care, you may find that yourself on one end or the other. Your child may be the biter or the bitee. This all might come as a bit of a surprise because most children don’t bite their parents! They are used to getting attention and having their “cues” met..

The Daycare Drop-Off – Getting Kids Out the Door Without Losing Your Sanity

I’m happy to introduce another guest blogger to our page. Julie Cole who is a co-founder of Mabel’s Labels and mother of six. We’re so happy to be able to share her expertise with you. Enjoy!

Handling Daily Transitions

We would like to welcome our first guest blogger, Mitali Ruths. Mitali is the mother of two young girls who are both Kids & Company children, and she is also an M.D. who has offered some of her expertise and opinions to us. I hope you enjoy her article on transitions as much as I did.


Tips for the Terrible Two’s

I’ve experienced the terrible two’s eight times over! As conversation has come up about how to deal with some of these difficult two year old situations, I’ve been trying to remember how I best dealt with my kids when they were young. It has been so long ago now as “my baby” Fraser is 14! I do have some of my own personal tips, but they are a bit more traditional and perhaps not the newest tips and tricks that are child care friendly!

Behaviour Management Methods

Behaviour management for young children is always an issue and parents frequently ask us why their children behave so well at child care or school, and not at home? Sometimes parents are under the impression that in our child care centres we ask the children to be on “time out”.