greeting for childcare career


Benefits for Employers

According to a 2003 Work/Life Benefits report by Hewitt Associates “Child care assistance remains the most prevalent work/life program, with 95% of employers today offering some kind of assistance to their employees (up from 87% in 1998)” (Hewitt Associates, 2003, p.1). Family-friendly programs are mutually beneficial for employers and employees. Offering Kids & Company dependent care as part of your benefits options can help your company:

•⁣ Decrease absenteeism •⁣ Increase job satisfaction •⁣ Enhance recruitment and retention packages •⁣ Strengthen employee commitment levels

Take advantage of a powerful public relations tool Kids & Company offers more than just in-centre child care. We can also help your employees with in-home child care and in-home elder care for employees that are caring for ageing relatives. Speak with one of our Corporate Relations staff members to learn more about these reasonable benefits that can have a significant impact on your organization.

Corporate Referral Program

In addition, as a thank you to our employers, each time one of our valued clients refers a new organization to us and they join the membership program, that client will receive 50 free back-up days to use at their discretion. Click here to submit a referral. For more details or referrals please send to Sharon Shoolman, National Corporate Client Services Manager, at or call 416-809-4447.