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Kids & Company Founders Win RBC Momentum Award as part of the Prestigious RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards

(November 28, 2013 – TORONTO) – Victoria Sopik and Jennifer Nashmi, Co-Founders of Kids & Company, Canada’s leading provider of corporate-sponsored child care, won the RBC Momentum Award as part of the prestigious RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards at an awards gala last night. The RBC Momentum Award recognizes entrepreneurs who have successfully overcome obstacles and capitalized on opportunities to deliver growth of 10 per cent or more year-over-year, for more than three years. It acknowledges entrepreneurs who have created a flexible and responsive business that is able to adapt to changing markets and leverage opportunities for continued growth. This may come through expanded management, empowered employees, and demonstrated excellence. “This amazing honour is a testament to the Kids & Company team who have dedicated themselves to giving working parents the peace-of-mind to trust their children in our hands and excel in the workplace,” said CEO Victoria Sopik, a mother of eight. Research has found that 54 per cent employers report that child care services had a positive impact on employee absenteeism, reducing missed workdays by as much as 30 per cent. “With the support of and growing demand from our corporate partners, Kids & Company has grown from one centre in 2002 to 49 licensed centres across the country today,” said CFO Jennifer Nashmi, a mother of three. Kids & Company is continuing to grow, expanding its unique and proprietary child care programs into the U.S. in the upcoming months. The first U.S. location will open in Chicago in December, and other locations will launch in 2014. The RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards are the pre-eminent national business awards recognizing the country’s leading female entrepreneurs. The awards are an initiative of Women of Influence Inc., an award-winning organization dedicated to advancing and fulfilling the needs of Canadian women in business. This year, approximately 3,000 women entrepreneurs across Canada were nominated for the RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneurs Awards.