Kids & Company Blog

Mother’s Day – What I Don’t Want

Mother’s Day is around the corner and everyone is asking the moms what we want. I’m a simple gal and not particularly high maintenance in the gifts department. I don’t want flowers or jewelry for Mother’s Day or any other occasion really.

In fact, my perfect Mother’s Day gift would be doing without some things. For example, there are certain comments made by the general public that we mamas could do without. Mamas of biggie-sized families prefer not to be asked if we own a TV or suggestions that we should take up a hobby. Contrary to popular belief, we are not actually spending the majority of our time participating in baby-making activities. Another classic one – when I go out alone in the evening, I’d like people to stop asking who is taking care of the kids. There is this guy in their lives called their “father”. And no, he’s not “babysitting”. I checked in with Daddy-o and he has never been asked this question when out for the evening, yet I hear it constantly.

Kids & Company’s Munchkinetics

In March 2012, The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) and ParticipACTION released fitness and activity guidelines for 1-5 year olds. The great news is that children in Kids & Company centres meet or exceed the recommended activity level with several periods of indoor and outdoor playtime. As we discussed these guidelines, our conversations jumpstarted a plan to make sure our kids were experiencing multiple types of movements – like stability, locomotoion and object control – in a way that was fun, fresh, non-competitive and consistent. We also want to provide parents with resources to transition from preschool play to activities at home.

Come Sail Away

My kids are far from spoiled, and I myself had a wonderful upbringing, but every once in a while I look at their lives and say to myself “In my next life, I want to come back as one of MY OWN kids”.
It happened last week. We had cousins visiting from overseas and it was all kinds of crazy fun. After several late nights, I allowed them to sleep in and be late for school one morning. This is something I’ve never done before and certainly something my mother never allowed. If we wanted to stay up and party like it’s 1999, I can assure you my mother had us up bright and early to greet that first sunrise of 2000. That makes sense to me – why protect them from natural consequences? But I let them sleep in last week. That one time.

Win a fabulous new Jonathan Adler Skip Hop diaper bag!

Win a fabulous new Jonathan Adler Skip Hop diaper bag. Our friends at Treasure Island Toys are celebrating Baby Month and are offering this stylish bag to Kids and Company fans.

How do you enter? Just post a comment on this blog, telling us the one thing you just can’t live without in your diaper bag.

Bragging on Facebook – Annoying or Acceptable?

A while ago, my friend Louise relayed that she was horrified to learn that a woman she knows “unfriends” people on Facebook who brag about their kids a lot. Louise explained that she loves sharing news about her children and also hearing about other people’s kiddos. While I couldn’t agree more, I completely get where her friend is coming from.

Cell Phones or No Cell Phones for Kids? That is the Question.

Parents often wonder what the appropriate age is to get a kid a cell phone. Some kids beg for one, claiming all their friends at school have them. Some parents feel it’s a safety thing – kids can get hold of them when necessary.
My three “biggies” are nine, eleven and twelve years old. While I can certainly think of times it would have been convenient for them to have cell phones, we haven’t gone there yet.

When Your Child Bites

One of the most upsetting social faux-pas your baby or toddler can commit in their early years is to bite another child (or adult). One baby is in tears, his or her parents are often upset that their child was used as a chew toy and the biter’s parents are embarrassed. No one wants their little one to be excluded from play-dates and birthday parties for using their teeth a bit too liberally but parents and caregivers are often unsure what to do.

Grand Opening at Bloor and Christie, Toronto

National corporate-sponsored child care centre provides children with a lesson in sustainability at new location in Toronto

(MARCH 2, 2012 – TORONTO) – A new corporate-sponsored child care centre in Toronto’s Bloor-Christie neighbourhood is getting ready to green budding minds, providing children with a love and understanding of protecting the environment.

Potty Training Tips

As every child and parent is different and this is true for my children, I decided it would be best to poll our highly trained, qualified and certified directors and ECE’s to see what they think about potty training. Included are tips and tricks from my 8 experiences of potty training as well as the hundreds of experiences our team has had.

Ode to the Single Parents

It’s quite common to hear someone say “I’m a single parent this week” when their husband/wife/partner is out of town due to work obligations. I certainly know that experience; Daddy-o is away on average four days a week. It’s no easy feat for a mama of six and it certainly takes its toll – but however tricky, you won’t catch me referring to myself as a single parent. Why not? Out of respect for all the real single parents out there. While I may be temporarily the only parent on location, I am not a single parent. Here’s the difference: