Kids & Company Blog

The Importance of Play

Having had the opportunity to create and build the National Day of Play initiative for Kids & Company (check out the event here), I have been learning more and more about the importance of play not only for our children but for us parents as well! Reading the most recent 2013 Report Card from Active Healthy Kids, I was not surprised to learn that as a nation we are not making huge strides in keeping our kids as active as they should be.

When I was younger, I remember playing outside with the neighbourhood kids for hours, either classic games like Hide and Go Seek or games we made up on the spot. I am fortunate that my kids now have the same passion for outdoor play and we live in a safe family neighbourhood where they can explore and be active.



I purposely do NOT sign my kids up for activities until they are in grade 2, at which point they can pick one activity. My rationale is threefold. First it is a lot less hectic on myself and my husband in terms of driving children back and forth to activities, leaving us more time actually PLAY outside with the kids. Secondly, it is cheaper and the kids are less tired. Finally, my kids tend to be way more happy and active playing.

I hope you all have an opportunity to play outside with your children this May long weekend…simple games from OUR childhood that will sure to become classics with your family as well!



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