Kids & Company Blog

The Pressures of the Bagged Lunch!

It’s the just the beginning of the school year and your bagged lunch routine is already becoming repetitive. Your kiddies are getting bored with their soy butter and fruit spread sandwich, however it’s the most convenient option you know your kid’s will enjoy! You are stressing out because according to social media it should be a breeze for you to have a variety of flavours, textures and shapes with little notes in your kiddies lunch boxes. This is way too much pressure!!

Vengeance is yours with these great and easy ideas to fight back against the dull lunch sinkhole. Make lunch fun! While you may want to control what your child eats for lunch each day it is good to let them have a say. Let them pick out one item each day to put in their lunch box. Whether it be a treat, veggies or fruit, giving them a say in their lunch will make them enjoy their mealtime while you get to pick out the rest of their lunch ensuring you cover all the food groups!

Another way to spice up the bagged lunch is to send hot foods especially with the cooling temperatures of autumn! Add some colour to your children’s lunch box with a quick and easy tomato soup. All you’ll need for this delicious warm light lunch are tomatoes, garlic, veggie stock, brown sugar, tomato paste and basil. Add cream for a richer and creamier tomato concoction and keep it warm in your child’s thermos! Check out the Kidco Kitchen recipe that the children ask for second and third servings of!

I believe that most busy working parents only have so much time to devote to food preparation so when you are cutting your veggies for dinner just prepare a few extras your kiddies lunch. This same idea can be used for left over dinner. Make extra dinner the night before and heat up the leftovers in the morning for your kiddie’s lunch. My children loved any meal that involved pasta so I make my tomato based pasta sauce with loads of veggies and then I grind it all together so no one really knows what is in the sauce. I add mini meat balls, ground chicken, lentils or any other protein to round out the meal. Don’t forget to add some yummy parmesan cheese on top!!

So, don’t be overwhelmed with the pressures of making the perfect lunch for your child daily. Try using some of these simple ideas so that you feel more organized giving your children a variety of healthily, delicious and nutritious lunch choices.

We hope that these tips will make your lives a little easier, your kiddies tummies happier, and everyone’s smiles a bit bigger 😊

From our kitchen to yours…… Enjoy!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @kidcochildcare and on Instagram @cheflisaruscica!


Chef Lisa Ruscica

Chief Food Ambassador

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