Kids & Company Blog

Tips for Hosting like a Pro

  It’s never too early to start planning for the holiday season, and if you’re like me, organization is your best friend. Sometimes, it feels like the second I’m done hosting for one occasion, I’m on to planning the next. I have a few tips and tricks that I have acquired over the years from… [read more]

5 Ways to Encourage Our Children to Say Please and Thank You

Teaching the basics of good manners can be a tricky and difficult job with children. It can feel like no matter how many times you encourage them, it just doesn’t stick. We believe teaching kids to say please and thank you is very important because it shows the people we are interacting with that we… [read more]

Creating “Yes Spaces” for Children

  Kids & Company’s partner, Lyzabeth Lopez, posted a thought-provoking Instagram post the other day. She recounted the days before she had her son, Tyson, when she had pretty things on her coffee table: coffee table books, candles, and fancy glass trays. When he was around 12 months old and grabbing everything in sight, she… [read more]

Fall 2021 – Winter 2022 New Menu Launch

We are truly leafing the past behind us as we fall into our new Fall-Winter menu! You heard me – Our FALL 2021 – WINTER 2022 menu. For the first time ever, the Kidco Kitchen menus will be running semi-annually as opposed to quarterly, which means this menu will be ongoing until the end of… [read more]

Finding the Best Toys and Furnishings for Sensory Children

I didn’t think my youngest was overly sensitive to physical things. Surely, he was just being picky or wanting more attention. But he was my only child who complained about shirt tags, cried if I put him in footed sleepers, and very quickly became attached to certain blankets refusing to use other perfectly good blankets…. [read more]

Food Tips for Parents – Eating Healthy at Home or in the Office

Covid-19 has certainly changed the workplace for many, with no indication whether things will ever go back to our pre-pandemic “normal.” While some people have made the switch to remote working, there are some people who are slowly returning to the office. Regardless of what our workplace looks like, our health and nutrition is still… [read more]

Tidy Up Time: The Importance of Cleaning Up Their Own Mess

  Written by Victoria Sopik, Kids & Company’s CEO Children love to play and make messes, but they rarely think about cleaning up after. As a mother of eight and now a grandmother of eleven, I have a lot of experience with children making a mess and just walking away without a care in the… [read more]

Back to School, Back to Routine

Written for Kids & Company by Certified WeeSleep Pediatric Sleep Consultants, Natalie Moran & Amber Monette Often, during the summer months, our routines go out the window. The sun falls later, bedtime naturally pushes later, and sleep is often last on our minds. Summer is the best time to relax and be flexible with your… [read more]

Separation Anxiety, Transitions & What to Bring on Your Child’s First Day

As things begin to resemble our pre-covid “normal” ⏤ many parents have been thinking about what the return to child care may be like for their children after extended time at home with family. This fall will be the first time many little ones will be away from home as they attend child care for… [read more]

Want the Best Shoes for Your Kids? 5 Expert Tips for Back-To-School Shopping

Written by Dr. Michael Ryan Director of R&D, Kintec You don’t need an expert to tell you how fast your kids (and their feet) grow! In fact, it’s not unusual for children’s feet to grow up to two sizes in one year. No wonder parents feel like they’re always shopping for new shoes. With the added pressure… [read more]