Kids & Company Blog

Amazing Asparagus has Arrived!

Asparagus is a popular spring vegetable that is packed with nutrients. Asparagus has many fun facts and once claimed to be the food of the Gods from Queen Nefertiti of Egypt!  Asparagus originally comes from the Greek language meaning “sprout” or “shoot”.  Asparagus is a member of the lily family and also related to onions,… [read more]

How To Grow an Avocado Tree

I LOVE avocados on and in everything!! I love them in salads, dips, smeared on toast or simply scooped right out of its shell. This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to all sorts of dishes due to its incredibly delicious flavour and rich texture. Not only are avocados healthy… [read more]

Blueberry Grunt

What is more wonderful than celebrating foods from different parts of our country? The blueberry grunt is a simple one-pot combination of berries and sweet dumplings. This is a traditional Acadian dish made originally by French settlers in a stew pot over an open hearth. Wild blueberries are tiny and great for picking with little… [read more]

Tea Party for the Royal Wedding!

How exciting is it that the royal wedding is just around the corner??? Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be sharing their celebration with the world on Saturday May 19th, 2018. The times will vary across Canada but in Britain it is 12 noon. St. George’s Chapel will be the backdrop for the nuptials, the… [read more]

Mother’s Day Traditions

With Mother’s Day around the corner, I began reflecting on my favourite memories of cooking in the kitchen with my mother and grandmother. They would pull out the recipe-box filled with recipe cards where there were splatters of food stains, fingerprints and smudges. Tucked into the box beside the files were original photos, notes and… [read more]

Fabulous Fiddleheads!

May is here and the sun is shining brightly; this means it is that time of year again for fiddlehead hunting. Get your sunscreen on, grab your bottle of water and explore the woods in search of the ostrich fern before it’s too late. The young curled leaves look like scrolls of a fiddle, hence… [read more]

Growing Up With Autism

Once you know me, it does not take long before you know I have a brother, whose name is Jason.  He is one of my best friends, a hilarious guy and a large part of my daily life.  We love cooking together and going out for meals, spending Friday nights at the bowling alley, shopping… [read more]

Crisp & Juicy Jicama

Crisp, juicy and sweet are the words used to describe this delicious vegetable and jicama is just that! This Mexican yam bean or turnip is unlike other tubers. Like yams and sweet potatoes, you can enjoy jicama completely raw or cooked! Jicama is available year-round, while its peak season is between November and June. They… [read more]

Build a Better Grilled Panini!

Just like my family, everyone’s preferences and taste buds vary wildly from each other – but there is no question in my mind that a grilled panini is the result of a more complex and decadent every day cold sandwich that everyone can enjoy. There is something so sublime about biting into its warm, gooey,… [read more]

Get in the spirit of Earth Day!

Each year on April 22, the world comes together to celebrate Earth Day. It’s a great opportunity to educate your child on how and why we need to take care of our planet. As educators, it’s our responsibility to educate the children in our care on the importance of sustainable practices like reusing and recycling,… [read more]