Kids & Company Blog

Build a Better Grilled Panini!

Just like my family, everyone’s preferences and taste buds vary wildly from each other – but there is no question in my mind that a grilled panini is the result of a more complex and decadent every day cold sandwich that everyone can enjoy. There is something so sublime about biting into its warm, gooey,… [read more]

Get in the spirit of Earth Day!

Each year on April 22, the world comes together to celebrate Earth Day. It’s a great opportunity to educate your child on how and why we need to take care of our planet. As educators, it’s our responsibility to educate the children in our care on the importance of sustainable practices like reusing and recycling,… [read more]

Nibbles for Play Dates

When your children approach the stage in their lives where they are starting to walk, talk and play with their peers, it is the prime time to start encouraging more play dates! Children learn best through interacting with other one another, so it is important that they’re consistently given these opportunities! Inviting their friends over… [read more]

Transition Time!

Infants are used to being fed by others and are used to the same basic texture of mushy, pureed baby foods. While many parents are concerned over the transition from diapers to toilets, a big transition in a baby’s life is the transition from baby food to adult food and then to self-feeding – this… [read more]

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has finally sprung and we are super excited to announce the launch of our new Spring Menu on Monday! All of your favourites are back by popular demand, along with several fresh, new additions with a twist. This season, we have brought back some of the Kidco Kitchen classics such as Swedish Meatballs and… [read more]

Relationships After Children

Parenthood is a full time job and keeping your relationship in tact with your spouse after kids is a job too! Like a lot of things in life, you have to put in the work. While reading this article fromParents Canada, I got inspired to share some relationship tips I learned along my parenting journey:… [read more]

Importance of Vitamins

Nutrition is most important for children since they need the proper fuel to constantly grow and learn new things. We need to encourage and ensure our kids are eating nutritious and balanced meals that incorporate numerous vitamins in their diets. The most important vitamins for children are vitamins A, B, C and D to help… [read more]

Multicultural Foods and Food Variety

At our Kidco Kitchens we emphasize the importance of serving your children a range of ethnically diverse foods, which have a variety of flavours, textures and colours. The Kidco Kitchens provide all of our centres with hot lunches, yummy snacks, milk, fresh fruit and vegetables daily, not to mention everything is made from scratch! Every… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Nutrition Curriculum!

It is March our favourite month of the year because it is NUTRITION MONTH! Here at the Kidco Kitchen we are proud that we have put in a tremendous amount of effort creating a healthy and nutritious curriculum for your kids, executed weekly by our fantastic teachers! We strongly believe that children who have a… [read more]

Getting Ready For Baby’s First Haircut

Baby’s first haircut can be stressful for new parents and at Beaners Fun Cuts we make haircuts fun for all ages. Our specially trained stylists are fast, fun and masters of distraction. We’ve put together a list of tips to help even the most pro parent prepare for the big moment: Baby’s First Haircut. Timing… [read more]