Kids & Company Blog

A Fabulous Father’s Day Food Idea!

Now that summer is almost here, it’s time to soak in the warmer weather and spend more time enjoying the outdoors. And what better way to say hello to summer than with a barbecue! Father’s Day is fast approaching and a barbecue is the perfect way to celebrate with dad. As a wise man once… [read more]

Kids & Company Parenting Concierge Service

Do you have parenting questions? Ask Kids & Company! Kids & Company is thrilled to launch our parenting concierge service, as part of our kidco+ suite of services. Over the years, our staff at Kids & Company have gained valuable knowledge on finding and delivering the best care for children and their families. Our parenting… [read more]

To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle

There are so many questions that arise when you’re preparing for a new baby! Is it better to bottle or breast feed? Is it better to use a crib or cradle? Pacifier or no pacifier? There are so many questions, so many experts and so many “answers” it’s hard to keep track of them all!… [read more]

Calling All Busy Bees!

June is such a busy month, and sometimes it’s hard to set aside time to prepare great snacks for your kids. This week I would like to offer you a go-to snack for your little ones that is not only super easy and quick, but also extremely delicious! I discovered this “No-Cook Snacks” book which… [read more]

The Benefits of Socialization: Child Care and Playgroups

One of the most important issues that parents consider after the birth of their baby is whether to go back to work and if they choose to do so, how should they prepare their family for this. Does one parent stay home? Do they hire a nanny? Do they send the baby to a child… [read more]

Bountiful Berries

This time of year is not only beautiful, but it’s also berry season! If you are looking for fresh, in-season berries you can find them from mid-May to August. Strawberries are in-season from about mid-May through to June, raspberries from early June to mid-July, blueberries from July through to early August and blackberries in August…. [read more]

Kids & Company Summer Camp Program!

The weather is getting warmer and your children are getting anxious for summer break… It’s time to sign up for Kids & Company’s Summer Camp Program! Kids & Company has developed a variety of theme-based Camp Programs and is taking registrations now! These programs provide engaging activities to keep children happy and active through exciting… [read more]

Crib or Cradle? Where to start

Whether you choose to start your baby out in a crib or slowly progress from a cradle or bassinet to a crib, there are a few things that should be considered. Whether you start with a cradle or go right to the crib is all a matter of preference.  We had each of our 8… [read more]

Popular Fruit Popsicles

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Victoria Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer season for my family and me. The summer season brings with it lots of sun, BBQs, long weekends, and celebrations! Want a colourful, delicious and healthy cold snack to make for your children this summer? Try making a… [read more]

We’re Going on a Picnic…

I love the idea of taking day trips with the children. When my children were younger we would take walks to the local park, go on day trips to the zoo or explore southern Ontario. These outings would be lots of fun and would keep our family busy for hours! Packing picnic lunches and snacks… [read more]