Kids & Company Blog

Presenting the New and Improved Calgary Kitchen!

The Calgary Kitchen renovations are complete! Last week, our Calgary Sunridge kitchen received a big makeover.  For those of you who don’t know, this location prepares the meals and snacks for seven of our Calgary sites: Bow Trail, Eau Claire, Livingston, Smart Tech, London House, Sunridge and Midlake. Thom, our head chef, works with his… [read more]

Quality Chefs at the Kidco Kitchen!

After returning from Nova Scotia and Quebec as mentioned in last week’s blog, it wasn’t long until I was back on the road again. Last week, I spent a couple days out at the Waterloo kitchen helping to get the Kidco Kitchen up and running out there. They are officially cooking up the nutritious and… [read more]

Tidy up time: The importance of cleaning up their own mess

I have always encouraged each and every one of my children to clean up their own mess as well as helping their siblings or friends clean up their messes. They are allowed to make their own food and eat (in certain approved spaces!), through out the house- as long as they cleaned up!   Asking… [read more]

The Benefits of Extra-Curricular Activities, How much is too much?

We’ve always encouraged our children to take part in as many activities as they would like to. This of course has never got in the way of school work and we’ve ensured that their schedules still left time for homework and some down time. Our boys have all played football, baseball, rugby, hockey and skied and… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Menu Launched out East!

I was out East last week at our Nova Scotia sites launching the Kidco Kitchen menu.  I arrived early Monday and was busy right from the get-go. I started by helping to setup the kitchen at the new Bedford location, and then continued on by training the chefs at the Halifax and Dartmouth sites. The… [read more]

My Valentine(s)

Valentine’s day is a great day to be able to express your love for those around you. I’m lucky enough to have a husband and 8 amazing children to share my Valentine’s day with. I don’t just have one Valentine, I have 8 – which makes it 8 times more fun!!! When my kids were… [read more]

Great Food Ideas for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is just a week away! It’s a great time for fun activities with your little ones. When my children were younger I used to have sweet Valentine’s Day cards ready for them on their way to school. Just a little something to remind them how special they are. I saw this simple idea… [read more]

Launch of Kidco+ Program and Parenting Centers!

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Kidco+ program and the start of our Parenting Centers   This month we are piloting a drop-in program. We invite all to sign up and come to one of the participating centers! For more information and to register please visit  

Travelling with Kids

Over the years, I have gone on countless trips with my family: weekends to the cottage, weeks away at all-inclusive resorts, and even the dreaded twenty-eight-hour-drive down to Florida for March Break. My children are in their teens and older now, but I have definitely learned a lot over the last twenty-seven years of planes,… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen is on the Move!

I’m continuing my way across the country launching the Kidco Kitchen. We launched the new menu last week in London, ON to some great reviews among the children. Over the next few months I will be travelling all over Canada to get this menu up and running. In every new launch city, I always schedule… [read more]