Kids & Company Blog

Featured Recipe: Caesar Wrap

Who doesn’t love a good Caesar salad? Most people assume the Caesar salad dish originated from Rome, being named after the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. However, the real origin of the traditional salad was invented in Mexico much later in history. Restauranteur Chef Caesar Cardini developed the Caesar Salad while hosting a Fourth of July celebration in Tijuana. He ran out of food, and simply threw the ingredients he had lying around the kitchen into a unique salad. Due to its success, July 4th has become known as National Caesar Salad Day.

The traditional ingredients required to make the dressing are anchovies, olive oil, salt, pepper, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, Dijon mustard, lime juice, and raw eggs. Over the years, different variations of this recipe have been made, including our Kidco Kitchen Chicken Caesar Wrap, which offers a simpler and healthier version of the traditional favourite. Our version ditches the traditional anchovies and raw eggs for a safer and equally delicious alternative to the tangy dish. And what better way to get your kids to enjoy salad than packaging up the wonderful dish into a kid friendly wrap!

Kidco Kitchen Chicken Caesar Wrap

*Makes 6 portions


What you need:

-        2 Tbsp Lemon juice

-        ½ Cup Olive Oil

-        ¼ Cup Vinegar

-        1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard

-        1 Tbsp Minced Garlic

-        2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese

What to do:

  1. Make sure to wash your hands before you begin.
  2. Blend all ingredients in food processor.


What you need:

-        3 Cup Diced Chicken Breast

-        6 Whole Wheat Tortilla

-        3 Cup Shredded Lettuce

What to do:

  1. Make sure to wash your hands before you begin.
  2. Toss lettuce in dressing. Portion ½ cup salad per tortilla and top with cooked diced chicken. Roll up tortillas into wraps and serve one each.


From our kitchen to yours…… Enjoy!

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Chef Lisa Ruscica

Chief Food Ambassador

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