Kids & Company Blog: From the Experts

Fabulous Fiddleheads!

May is here and the sun is shining brightly; this means it is that time of year again for fiddlehead hunting. Get your sunscreen on, grab your bottle of water and explore the woods in search of the ostrich fern before it’s too late. The young curled leaves look like scrolls of a fiddle, hence… [read more]

Transition Time!

Infants are used to being fed by others and are used to the same basic texture of mushy, pureed baby foods. While many parents are concerned over the transition from diapers to toilets, a big transition in a baby’s life is the transition from baby food to adult food and then to self-feeding – this… [read more]

The Sandwich Generation: Managing Children and Aging Loved Ones at the Same Time

Having family in your life, especially an extended family, can be a blessing. Many of us rely on the help of our parents, grandparents, and in-laws, to help us with baby-sitting, to support us through tough times, and to offer guidance and love when we need it the most. What happens though, when we are… [read more]

Food Hacks for Parents!

Parenting seems to be most successful when a few tricks and life hacks are added into the equation – whether it’s how to get the kids ready in the morning, get them to do their homework, or even how to get them to eat. Children’s diets are often either a hit or a miss –… [read more]

How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter!

Vitamin D is extremely important for our kiddies as it is essential for bone health and also helps to protect against those dreadful winter flus. The most common and easy access to your daily vitamin D is through sunlight. Most parents believe that drinking milk and playing outside regularly will allow their children to absorb… [read more]

Raving for Rice!

Did you know there are over 40,000 varieties of rice? There’s also tons of lingo when it comes to rice: white, brown, wild, short grain, long grain rice and so much more! With so many options it can be difficult to choose which type to buy for certain dishes or which ones are healthiest for… [read more]

What is the Glycemic Index?

Carbs can be a confusing topic. What are ‘good’ carbs versus ‘bad’ carbs and how much should we be eating? The glycemic index is a helpful tool that helps us classify carbs based on how they work in our bodies. Remember, not all carbs are created equal and its important to know the best sources… [read more]

Fun Names for Yummy Food!

I think it is safe to say that every parent has struggled at least once with picky eating. Vegetables and “healthy foods” are often not what our kids gobble down and beg for more of. So why is it that most kids don’t think twice about taking seconds of candy and fun snacks but won’t… [read more]

Food Safety

We want to protect our kiddies and families as much as possible and food is no exception! There are an abundance of rules to remember when it comes to keeping your food safe and fresh for as long as possible and it sure can get confusing! It’s great to teach your kids tips and rules… [read more]

How does Kids & Company Maintain Routines?

Last post, we discussed why routines are an important tool to help your child have a comfortable, successful transitions throughout the day with one of our experts and Area Directors, Jennifer Comber. She reminded us that routine creates structure, and structure empowers children. To read about what she had to say and get some tips… [read more]