Kids & Company Blog: Parenting

Family Fun Day!

The much-needed February long weekend is almost here! This long weekend is particularly special because it is meant as a time to devote your attention to the loved ones that you often only see for dinner after a long tiring work day. Here at Kids & Company we realize how busy our parents are, so… [read more]

Why Kids & Company: A Parent’s Perspective

My name is Megan and my son has been attending the Victoria Uptown Kids & Company location in BC for the past three years. Kids & Company has been an amazing resource for my family and I can always rely on them to go and above and beyond in the care provided to my son…. [read more]

Mode: Newborn Survival

We didn’t know we were getting a daughter. Yet in the last ten minutes before she arrived, my husband grabbed my hand and said, “You know we’re having a girl, right?” Not sure how he knew, but he was right and suddenly our two little boys had a tiny sister. We’re old and experienced enough… [read more]

Sleep Myths – Shattered!

“Awww so cute; how’s he sleeping?” “Are you getting any sleep?” “Has she slept through the night yet?” Sound familiar? Chances are if you’re a parent, the answer is “yes.” Few topics are so highly discussed as sleep (or lack thereof it!), especially when it comes to babies. And few sleep-related topics are as controversial… [read more]

Child Proofing 101!

A few weeks ago, I was watching a run-of-the-mill sitcom on Netflix (not exactly a rarity around here) and for once was intrigued enough to set down my phone, take a look at the screen and pay attention to what was happening. The fictional family had their young grandson living with them, and in a… [read more]

Back to School Healthy Snacking

Something we can always be sure our kiddies will eat are their snacks!  They eat them at recess, lunch and after school so it’s important we make them healthy!  Grocery aisles are loaded with sugar filled and low nutrition snacks that are easy to pick up, but if you put a little thought into it… [read more]

Nutrition Facts 101

Nutrition facts tables are very daunting to many.  Long lists of confusing ingredients and conflicting serving sizes lead tons of us to avoid reading these important tables.  Nutrition fact tables should never be overlooked especially if we are looking out for allergens.  Thankfully for us, Health Canada is changing the laws on how manufacturers have… [read more]

We All Scream for Ice Cream!

“I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream”! With the melting heat of the summer months, there is nothing better than chowing down on a cool treat on a hot summer day. My children and I have a real “soft” spot for ice cream, and we love trying out different ice cream flavours…. [read more]

August Long Weekend – Day at the Beach

What better way to enjoy the beautiful August weather than by spending a day at the beach! Going to the beach is fun for everyone: the kids can play in the sand, and you can relax! I remember the days when my kids were younger and any outing or day trip meant tons of packing… [read more]

It’s Daddy Day!

Now that summer is almost here, it’s time to soak up the warmer weather with some special members of the family! Celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, June 18th with your dad, grandfather, uncle or any of your wonderful role models! Father’s Day is a time when you can show the important fatherly figures in your life… [read more]