Kids & Company Blog

Understanding the Fake Meat Hype: Are the meat-alternatives really healthy?

You’ve likely heard a lot of buzz around the rise of “meatless meat.” 2019 has been a huge year for the growth of this industry. The advancements in taste, ingredients and texture are causing their popularity to skyrocket. These meatless meat companies have begun to partner with giants in the fast-food industry like Tim Hortons,… [read more]

Thanksgiving Celebrations!

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family and friends and be thankful for all of the wonderful food our country provides for us! This is a great time of year to come together and celebrate all that we are thankful for. Turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli, cheese, stuffing, gravy and pumpkin pie are foods I… [read more]

The First Bites of Solid Food

Introduction of new foods is a very exciting time for both parent and baby. Complementary feeding is not something to be looked at as a substitute for breastfeeding but rather a supplementary introduction to some new flavours and textures that will begin to expand the child’s palate and also enrich their diet. The rules around… [read more]

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

You’ve likely heard the old adage, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But really, what is the truth to that statement? The idea of breakfast being the most important meal of the day has been around for decades. As the nutritionist Adelle Davis famously put it back in the 1960s: “Eat breakfast… [read more]

The Importance of Physical Activity for Children

As adults, we hear all too often about the importance of participating in physical activity: going to the gym, playing sports, taking a walk, running a marathon. Sure, we all know that we SHOULD be doing it for a number of reasons — to stay healthy and fit, for our mental and physical well-being —… [read more]

Try Dates for Date Night!

Dates are sweet. Dates go great with dinner. Dates are new and exciting. Dates are fun. The fun thing is … we aren’t talking about a romantic evening between two but are discussing a small fruit that grows on trees! Dates are a popular item among the food industry – especially in the sweets department…. [read more]

It’s National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day!

Time to break the news to your little ones — this Friday, September 13, is National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. For those choosing to observe this national day, all children must report to their kitchens (adult supervision is required)! For all of our moms, dads and caregivers out there who work tirelessly each… [read more]

Back to it: 5 Ideas for Smooth Septembers

Yes, it’s that time of year. Labour Day weekend reminds us that summer is soon to be a distant memory. In our household we are preparing for Grade 1, a transition into a new preschool-room, and once again enjoying the sounds of our many pre-set alarms in the morning (to remind us to get up,… [read more]

Healthy Snacks for Back to School

Each September brings change to our routines. This is the time to break free of our old habits and start fresh with the new (school) year! A simple way to add a little more nutrients into your family’s life is through healthy snacks. Something we can always be sure our kiddies will eat is their… [read more]

The Impact of Music on Child Development

I had the opportunity to interview the lovely Nancy Kopman on the importance of music in child development. Nancy is a songwriter and recording artist who specializes in creating educational music for children that helps foster their development. To her, music is more than a universal language. She believes that music is a communication tool… [read more]