Kids & Company Blog

Children’s Books for Transitioning into a New Learning Environment

As families gear up for the back-to-school season, remember that books can be a great way to help prepare young children for new learning environments, whether it’s starting child care, moving to a new classroom, or beginning kindergarten. We’ve curated a list of books that speak to themes of school, inclusivity, kindness, and connections to help prepare children who are embarking on a new adventure this season. 

  1. All are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold

“All are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold is an easy-to-read story of an inclusive learning environment; it portrays children of various backgrounds, cultures, and abilities coming  together to learn and play, fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for all.  We chose this story because it imparts the message to children that all backgrounds, differences, and traditions should be celebrated. With this book, children can be ready to step into new environments, ready to embrace and learn from the incredible human diversity that surrounds them.

  1. The Same but Different Too by Karl Newson

"The Same but Different Too" by Karl Newson explores the concept of similarities and differences in a playful and engaging way through illustrations of people and animals. The book showcases a variety of characters and situations, highlighting what makes us different, and what we all have in common, promoting understanding and empathy for the things that make each person special. We chose this book as a reminder to our children that understanding and empathy is what allows us to make friends!

  1. Only One You by Linda Kranz

"Only One You" by Linda Kranz is a heartwarming children's book that imparts valuable life lessons through colorful fish that bond over shared experiences and embrace each other’s unique traits. We chose this story because it encourages children to celebrate their individuality, spread kindness, and explore the world with an open heart, inspiring them to be themselves while making a positive impact on others. 

  1. Invisible String by Patrice Karst 

"Invisible String" by Patrice Karst is a heartwarming book reassuring children about the unbreakable and enduring connections shared between their loved ones, even when they're physically apart. We chose this story because of its  gentle and comforting narrative - the book conveys the idea that an "invisible string" of affection ties people together, carrying the message that love transcends all distances. This story is especially valuable when read to children that are separating from their parents for longer periods for the first time.

One way to help ease transitions is through labelling - it can play a significant role in ensuring your child's organization and make a difference in their experience. Our friends and labelling experts, Mabel’s Labels, are offering Kidco families 25% off their Ultimate Back-to-School Combo with code KIDCOBTS, for a limited time, until August 31st. Enjoy!

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