Kids & Company Blog

Superfoods to the Rescue

Now that the holiday season is over, I’m sure many of you have made it a New Year’s resolution to start eating healthier. Eating right starts with knowing the right foods to eat. Superfoods are important, as they help you maintain your weight, fight illness, and help you live longer. But what is a superfood? There’s no official scientific definition of a superfood nor is there one set list, but it’s commonly known that superfoods contain high levels of much-needed vitamins and minerals. They can also be a source of antioxidants, which are substances that shield our bodies from cell damage and help prevent disease. Here is a list of foods that we either we serve on our menu, or that are easily accessible for you to help plan your diet for a new, healthier you!

Salmon is rich in omega-3 fats that help prevent heart disease and reduce inflammation. Unfortunately, Canadians are only getting half of the omega-3 fats they need. Health Canada recommends eating 150 grams, which is approximately one cup of fish per week. To boost your salmon intake, try barbequing salmon steaks, whip canned salmon into burgers or fish cakes, add salmon to salads or chowders, or make smoked-salmon sushi rolls………the possibilities are endless.

Brussels’s sprouts are a major superfood, with just 1 cup packing on 240% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin K1 and an amazing 130% of your daily vitamin C quota, plus significant amounts of potassium, fibre, manganese, and B vitamins. A great and delicious way to make brussels’s sprouts is to simply cut them in half and sauté in a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar for a healthy side dish.

Navy beans are a great superfood that can be incorporated into so many dishes from soup to chili, even in salads! Just one cup of these beans delivers almost half of your daily fibre intake, also supplies you with iron, protein, potassium, zinc, and are low in fat!!! They keep you satiated for hours after a meal, so you tend to snack less often. And since they’re a good plant source of iron, your muscles will stay strong and energized all day long.

One egg is a complete protein, and the yolks offer vitamin E, lecithin and choline. Eggs also contain iron, vitamins A, B12, D and E, folate, selenium and lutein. Now that’s a lot of nutrients! There are endless ways to enjoy eggs. Try them boiled, poached or scrambled, in omelettes, wraps and egg-salad sandwiches, or baked into quiches and frittatas.

Blueberries are a rich source of antioxidants, anthocyanins and they are also significantly high in vitamin C, which aids in tissue repair and enhances iron absorption. Having blueberries in your diet is easy and can be added to cereals, yogurt, smoothies or pancakes.  The kiddies at Kids & Company are loving the blueberry smoothie that was are serving with muesli at morning snack on the winter menu.

Bananas aren’t often associated as a superfood, yet Research from the Canadian Diabetes Association shows that pectin, a form of fiber, actually helps manage blood glucose levels and keeps blood sugar stable. Soluble fiber from bananas also reduces cholesterol and prevent constipation. Sounds like a superfood to me!

So, when you are busy shopping and selecting foods to cook and enjoy with your family, consider including some of these amazing superfoods that will do all the work in providing and incredible amount of healthy benefits for your little ones.  Kick off 2017 right with yummy and nutritious superfoods that can be a great addition to your diet to up your intake of antioxidants and vital nutrients to ensure your family remains in optimal health! Be strong and healthy!!!


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @kidcochildcare and on Instagram @cheflisaruscica!


Chef Lisa Ruscica
Chief Food Ambassador

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