Kids & Company Blog

Prohibiting Food and Beverage Marketing to Children

As parents and caregivers, we know this scenario all too well. You bring children to the grocery store and they flock to the sugar-filled cereals featuring Spongebob Squarepants or any of-the-moment caricature. They are familiar with these characters and food items as they’re bombarded with advertisements throughout their day. Marketers know the power children have… [read more]

Canada, Eh?

It’s almost that time! Canada turns another year older…152 years never looked so good. Our wonderful country is made up of many cultures, histories and…climates, I mean only Canada would have 25 cm of snow on the first week of summer! (We hope Alberta is holding in there.) This weekend is dedicated time to celebrate… [read more]

Socialization: What to Expect at Different Ages

As Early Childhood Educators, we hear it all too often…I’m worried about my child. Why don’t they play with the other children? Are they having trouble making friends? I wonder if they don’t like the other children. How come my child plays all by themselves? It’s not uncommon to have these concerns as socialization is… [read more]

Here Comes Summer!

This Friday, June 21 marks the summer solstice! Besides being the first official day of summer, this is the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, making it the longest day in the year. So much extra sun and outdoor activities can cause serious dehydration. I’m here to help! Hydration Education… [read more]

Get outside this Father’s Day!

This Sunday is Father’s Day. An entire day to celebrate our beloved, dedicated, hard-working dads and role models. Today is the day to let all these men in your life know just how special they are. Within the next few weeks, all of our Kids & Company locations are having on-site celebrations to honour all… [read more]

The Taste of Summer: How to Can

Do you ever wish you could just bottle-up the summer sun, the freshly cut grass smell and save it for some gloomy winter days? …me too! You may not be able to preserve the summer sun, but you can preserve those delicious summer flavours. How? you ask. Canning! It can be a fun activity for… [read more]

Spring Clean Your Eating Habits!

Spring cleaning can be a therapeutic practice — out with the old, the unused and the clutter. Why not do the same for your pantry this spring? Cleaning out your kitchen cupboards, your fridge and your pantry can make you feel lighter (both mentally and physically). Besides cleaning out foods that are expired or spoiled,… [read more]

Fun Names for Yummy Food!

I think it is safe to say that every parent has struggled at least once with picky eating.  Vegetables and “healthy foods” are often not what our kids gobble down and beg for more of.  So why is it that most kids don’t think twice about taking seconds of candy and fun snacks but won’t… [read more]

Victoria Day Veggies

It’s almost here! The long-awaited, unofficial kick-off to summer. What better way to kick off the summer than a fun family activity. This weekend is often filled with annual BBQ’s or a trip to the lake, but I have another idea for you. Alright, here it is — start your own veggie garden! Why not… [read more]

Mother’s Day!

April showers bring May flowers! Days are getting warmer, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and summer is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time to get more active with your littles ones outdoors, enjoy quality time with family and most importantly celebrate Mother’s Day! On Mother’s Day, we take the time to thank… [read more]