Kids & Company Blog

New Food Guide and The Kidco Kitchen

  Canada’s new food guide does away with portion sizes, the four food groups, and some outdated information. You can download the guide and other resources by clicking the image. 2019 is truly a year full of changes! The buzzworthy topic this week is one we hold near and dear to us – the revamped… [read more]

Teacher Appreciation!

With the start of the new year, we are all about showing our appreciation for everyone around us. Without our kind, patient, caring, teachers we wouldn’t be able to go about the busy day knowing that our children are in good hands at Kids & Company! Instead of just a thank you, we want to… [read more]

Sunshine Supplements!

Basking in the summer sun not only feels good, but is essential for health! Getting sun allows for vitamin D absorption, also aptly known as the sunshine vitamin. As winter approaches there is a scarcity of direct sunlight influenced by the cover of clouds and snow, but even if there is sun we understandably flee… [read more]

The Powerful Potato!

Potatoes have a bad reputation because of their starch content and association with fast food but potatoes are a staple in many different diets and are an important food source.  Potatoes are named the world’s 4th largest crop behind rice and wheat! Potatoes are a tuber meaning they grow underground and have sprouts in more… [read more]

Winter Menu Launch!

Sure, Winter comes with heavy snowfall and below zero temperatures, but it also comes with stewy, savoury dishes to warm up your tummy!! The Kidco Kitchen is excited to present to you the first menu of 2019! We are starting the year off right with every type of comfort food you can think of! Immerse… [read more]

Tried and True Parenting Hacks to Make 2019 a Little Bit Easier!

It’s a new year! Why not start it off with some hacks to help with a smoother morning routine? Or maybe you have your morning down to a perfect science and need some hacks for day to day parenting? We reached out to our staff and parents and here are some of the tried and… [read more]

Loving Leftovers!

It happens every year… you make a ton of food to celebrate the holidays, stressing yourself out to make enough to feed all your family and friends, and by the end of the celebration you’re left with more food than you know what to do with. Have no fear, because I’m here to tell you… [read more]

What is ’emergent curriculum’ all about?

As the parent of three children, and someone who works alongside some of the brightest Early Childhood Educators in the country, I’ve come to understand and deeply appreciate the Emergent Curriculum philosophy practiced at Kids & Company. Sometimes referred to as cue-based or child-centred learning, the approach is relatively simple in theory, but can be… [read more]

Happy Holiday Cheer!!

Whether you are hosting this year’s holiday dinner or just attending, the holidays mean it is time to put the cooking and baking into high gear! Holiday meals are more than just cooking.  They are all about the presentation, setting and atmosphere that surrounds the meal. With the fast pace of today’s world, it can… [read more]

Growing research on the microbiome and healthy, resilient children

We’re always paying attention to new research that impacts infants, children and parents. A group whose recent work includes a documentary on fecal matter and the potential in microbiota transplants has highlighted a study coming out of the University of Alberta: the findings are that the first bacteria to colonize our bodies have lifelong effects… [read more]