Kids & Company Blog

Happy Holiday Cheer!!

Whether you are hosting this year’s holiday dinner or just attending, the holidays mean it is time to put the cooking and baking into high gear! Holiday meals are more than just cooking.  They are all about the presentation, setting and atmosphere that surrounds the meal. With the fast pace of today’s world, it can… [read more]

Growing research on the microbiome and healthy, resilient children

We’re always paying attention to new research that impacts infants, children and parents. A group whose recent work includes a documentary on fecal matter and the potential in microbiota transplants has highlighted a study coming out of the University of Alberta: the findings are that the first bacteria to colonize our bodies have lifelong effects… [read more]

Happy Holiday Season!

The holiday season is upon us, and we cannot wait to celebrate together! All of our centres will be hosting a Holiday Party over the next few weeks for you and your kiddies to attend together and enjoy a yummy snack spread! We love our annual holiday parties because it’s a great way to spend… [read more]

The Instant Pot Wonder!

Our parents continually tell me that the hardest part of making a daily nutritious healthy dinner is the dreaded clean up and the sheer time it takes to prepare.  There are pots and pans all over the place, food on the counter, floor and sometimes even on the ceiling!! I have a solution for you…… [read more]

Gifts for Preschoolers: Bring it back to books with this Top 10 list

With Christmas being less than a month away, every storefront is decked in festive visuals and signs for all of the gifts you absolutely must have this year. If you did your shopping back in July, kudos to you, go -getter! If you did your research and stocked up on Black Friday sales, you are… [read more]

Retail Therapy!

Did someone say retail therapy?? We are celebrating Shopping Day on Saturday December 1 nationally so that you can have a wonderful day focused on getting ready for the holidays, while we look after your little ones. Once the gift giving is sorted out it is time focus on my favourite part of any celebration…the… [read more]

Hearty Herbs!

The Kidco Kitchen uses herbs in almost all of our entrees! Besides adding delicious flavour to our dishes, many of these herbs also pack a nutritional punch! Fresh herbs can be found year round in the supermarket and are also easy houseplants. Growing your own herbs is a great way to introduce kids to the… [read more]

Unscrambling the Truth About Eggs

I’m sure you’ve witnessed the overload of information on eggs and all the different varieties you can choose from at the grocery store. There are Conventional (advertised with “From our Family to Yours” slogans), Omega-3 eggs, Free range eggs, Free run eggs and Pastured eggs. It can be very overwhelming to decide which is best… [read more]

Creepy Crudité Contest Winner!

Another year, another successful Creepy Crudité contest! Last week, throughout all of our locations nationally, the kiddies celebrated Halloween by creating edible masterpieces with veggies and pita. This year’s submissions were the most creative and scariest ones yet!!! To view all of the Creepy Crudité photos click here to see the album on Facebook. Every… [read more]

Creepy Crudité Contest!

The most exciting part of the Fall season has arrived – It’s Halloween! Kids & Company loves Halloween, almost as much as we love sharing the holiday with all of our kiddies and parents! To get your kiddies even more amped up for the trick or treat season, each year we have them participate in… [read more]