Kids & Company Blog

Back to Work: Adjusting to childcare

We asked moms and dads what they want to know about returning to work after a leave with little ones and they delivered! We broke all the questions we received into themes and have addressed them in this 11-part blog series on Back to Work in partnership with Mama Coach. Part 4/11: Adjusting into childcare … [read more]

Back to Work: Sleep and Routine

We asked moms and dads what they want to know about returning to work after a leave with little ones and they delivered! We broke all the questions we received into themes and have addressed them in this 11-part blog series on Back to Work in partnership with Mama Coach. Part 3/11: Sleep and establishing good… [read more]

Back to Work: Illness

We asked moms and dads what they want to know about returning to work after a leave with little ones and they delivered! We broke all the questions we received into themes and have addressed them in this 11-part blog series on Back to Work in partnership with Mama Coach. Part 2/11: MANAGING ILLNESS AND… [read more]

I Need A Dairy Godmother!

Whole milk, 2%, 1%, skim, soy, rice, almond, coconut, oat… with such a large selection of milk products available today shopping for milk can be time consuming and confusing. Maybe you’ve always drank the same milk your entire life or you randomly select one at the grocery store – follow this guide to find out… [read more]

It’s “Date Night”!

Dates are sweet. Dates go great with dinner. Dates are new and exciting. Dates are fun. The other fun thing is… we aren’t talking about a romantic evening between two but actually are discussing a small fruit that grows on trees! Dates are a new popular item among the food industry – especially in the… [read more]

Meet the Parents: Real Families Talk About the Journey of Parenting

With over 100 child care and early learning centres across Canada and the US, Kids & Company is partnered with a lot of parents and we are proud to be part of ‘The Village’ that it takes to raise children. Even though each child, parent and family is so unique, there are a number of… [read more]

Easy Breezy Sheet Pan Recipes!

September can be very overwhelming!!! Getting in the swing of things at the beginning of the school year is tough since there are a million things going on! With the kids back to school, back to daycare and back to all their other activities – the family routine can be quite hectic. While trying to… [read more]

Back to School Ready!

As summer is coming to an end many of us are thinking about how to prepare for the new school year. The back to school sales are a reminder that school is just a few short weeks away! The first couple of days are filled of excitement and a little bit of chaos… or a… [read more]

We Ap-PEACH-iate You!

Did you know the whole month of August is national peach month? August is the perfect month to celebrate peaches because nothing says summer like biting into the perfect juicy peach and having the juice run down your face and arms. They may be a bit of a sticky mess but is it ever worth… [read more]

Feature Recipe: Kidco Kitchen Tex Mex Madness

Fork Facts: The word “Tex-Mex” first entered the English language as a nickname for the Texas Mexican Railway, chartered in southern Texas in 1875. In train schedules published in the newspapers of the 19th century the names of railroads were abbreviated…alias “Tex-Mex”. Palate Profile: Tex-Mex (from Texas and Mexico) is a fusion of Mexican and… [read more]