Kids & Company Blog

Establishing a Sleep Routine

Establishing a sleep routine for your baby can often be challenging and frustrating at times for new parents. I learned the hard way with my first as there was a lot of patting, rubbing and rocking. I decided to get it right with my second!  I think it helped that he loved to sleep (and still does… [read more]

Did Someone Say Retail Therapy?

Did someone say retail therapy??  We are celebrating Shopping Day on Saturday December 3rd nationally so that you can have a wonderful day focused on getting ready for the holidays, while we look after your little ones. Once the gift giving is sorted out it is time to focus on my favourite part of any… [read more]

Appetizers That Are Almost Too Cute to Eat

It’s already mid-November, which means the holidays are right around the corner. December can be very stressful for some people between shopping, party planning, and all the other day-to-day activities of busy Moms and Dads! If you’re the party planner within your friends and family like I am, you know that menu planning is always… [read more]

High Fives from the Highchair

Some new parents feel overwhelmed by having a new baby, and assume that making baby food themselves is too onerous. With all the baby food products, out these days, why bother cooking from scratch when you could conveniently buy it from the supermarket? It may seem like a convenient option; however even organic baby food… [read more]

Creepy Crudité Winner

Another year, another successful Creepy Crudité contest. Last week, throughout all of our Kids & Company locations nationally, the kiddies celebrated Halloween by creating edible masterpieces with veggies and pita. This year’s submissions were the most creative and scary ones yet!!! To view all of the Creepy Crudité photos click here to see the album… [read more]

A Note About Independence to My Sons

I was raised to be independent by a mother who had experience in the field. Fiercely entrepreneurial, she took on the business world once my sister and I were entered school and with some high-risk hard-work undertakings went from one investment to countless. Semi-retired, she still runs her own businesses, real estate and investments. She’s… [read more]

Creepy Crudité Contest

The most exciting part of the Fall season has arrived – It’s Halloween! Kids & Company loves Halloween, almost as much as we love sharing the holiday with all of our kiddies and parents! To get your kiddies even more amped up for the trick or treat season, each year we have them participate in… [read more]

Chitty Chitty Squashy Chili

Fall is finally here, which means we can bring back our fall favourite dishes to our menu. Who doesn’t love a good chili? This fall, we’ve adapted our Kidco Kitchen Chili recipe into a vegetarian meal, substituting kidney and pinto beans for turkey and adding butternut squash.  To keep your squash fresher for longer, store… [read more]

The Year of Pulses!

2016 has been a big year for the food industry. More and more restaurants and food companies are shying away from artificial flavours and colours and opting for more natural and healthy foods.  Restaurants are growing their menus to include healthier options for the health conscious dinners, and the United Nations has officially declared 2016… [read more]


Amazingly, the first Canadian Thanksgiving goes back even further than the United States. Back in 1578 an English explorer named Martin Frobisher was trying to find a northern route to the Orient. He was not successful in his quest, but despite not making it to the Orient Frobisher was thankful the journey had been safe… [read more]