Kids & Company Blog

Tidy Tips

If you’re anything like me, your kitchen can be quite a disaster zone when you are busy cooking. While focusing on the cooking and the baking, I often forget about the clean up I have to deal with and just let everything pile up! Throughout the years I have learned a few tips and tricks… [read more]

Is your child sick? Need help deciding what to do? Introducing the HEAL tool for families

I had the pleasure of interviewing Pediatric Emergency physician Dr. Shirmee Doshi, to discuss the launch of a new resource to help manage common childhood illnesses and injuries that often do not require emergency department care. The Alberta Health Services “HEAL” (Health Education and Learning) Program at has easily accessible information from emergency doctors and clinicians… [read more]

The Doubled Edged Sword of Fibre

We all know that fibre is good as it helps strengthen the gut muscles, improving the ability for food to pass through our digestive system. However, you may have also heard that high fiber diets are bad, causing bloating, reductions in mineral absorption, and other negative effects. So then the question that naturally follows is,… [read more]

Chore boards, family hugs and other adventures in trying to build routine

I know (I know, I know, I know) how important routine is. But it’s sooooo hard for me. And it’s been a murky and ugly transition from leading a life of spontaneity and doing-what-we-want-when-we-want to having some semblance of structure for our family. Changing baby’s diaper and putting said baby down four seconds later in… [read more]

Harvest Season

Don’t fret now that Summer’s coming to an end, smile because now we get to enjoy the harvest season!!! September marks the beginning of harvest season, which means farmers are reaping, gathering, and storing grains and other grown fresh produce during the autumn while the food is at its ripest and best. Now is the… [read more]

BBQ Tips and Tricks

Ever wondered why cooking your food on the BBQ tastes so much better than in the oven? In addition to the smoky and nutty flavour a barbeque provides, there is a chemical response known as the Maillard reaction, which happens when the high heat from the grill breaks down the food’s proteins into amino acids,… [read more]

Indoor & Outdoor Safety

To me, the transition from August to September always feels like a new year. I was always so so excited to get everyone off to school and often a new room in child care…from toddler to preschool! It is almost like the start of a new calendar year. September is a time to take stock of… [read more]

The Dreaded Bagged Lunch

The Dreaded Bagged Lunch…………. While your children were young, you were able to avoid it. Daycare and camp prepared lunch and snacks and you just dropped them off and didn’t have to worry about it. Now September is rolling around, your kiddie is starting big kid school, and they’re not the only one with homework!… [read more]

First Aid for Choking

It is important to familiarize yourself with First Aid training so you are well prepared in the case of an emergency. Knowing how to quickly and effectively help your child clear a blocked airway and resuscitate them may save their life. Here are step by step guides for infants under the age of 1 and children between… [read more]

We Scream for Healthier Ice Cream!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Everyone loves a good ice cream cone, especially during the heat of summer. However, what happens when the tempting ice cream truck is visiting our street a little too often? Kids and adults alike find ice cream hard to resist! Luckily there are many ways… [read more]