Kids & Company Blog

Canada Day Weekend

If you’re planning on going away to enjoy the long weekend, planning ahead is a necessity if you want your kiddies to stay entertained during those long road trips. Long car rides can be very stressful when you aren’t equipped with ways to amuse your children for periods of time. Here are some ways you… [read more]

Drink the Punch

Punch seems to be experiencing a beverage renaissance these days. Creative concoctions are being ladled into fancy cups at some of the best parties in town. Everyone loves a good mocktail and what better time of year to bring out the family punch bowl than when you are hosting a neighbourhood BBQ.   Make delicious and… [read more]

Managing Childhood Disease

Some parents hope for a boy, others a girl. Many wish for their children to become exceptional, becoming a rode scholar, or Olympic athlete. However, there is one universal thing that every parent wishes for, that their child is healthy. For a few unfortunate parents, this is not the case, they are faced with the… [read more]

Transitioning into Summer

Summer is fast approaching!  And that means getting your child ready for summer. Whether they are just learning how to swim, almost off school for the summer, or preparing for camp, the summer season can be a big (and fun!) transition.  As a mother of eight, I have learned to make the most of these… [read more]

Father’s Day!

On June 19th we are celebrating Father’s Day, a special day dedicated to all the wonderful daddies in the world.  It represents the day when we tell our dad how much he means to us and how lucky we are to have him in our life. Though you don’t need a special occasion to convey… [read more]

The big question……….Quinoa VS. Rice????

Quinoa has become increasingly popular over the past decade, and it’s no wonder why. Its delicious nutty flavour is high in fibre and iron, plus it has a greater protein content than rice. Quinoa is one of the most protein-rich foods we can eat. It is a complete protein containing all nine essential amino acids. What… [read more]

Say No to the Kids’ Menu

Nowhere else but in North America do you see chicken fingers, cheeseburgers, and hot dogs beneath a heading “kids’ menu.” The invention of the kids’ menu was initiated by a fast food restaurant that wanted to lure parents to their restaurant. This “kids’ menu” included most of the regular items on the menu just in… [read more]

Playful Paninis

Although people’s food likes and dislikes vary wildly from individual to individual, there is no question in our minds that anyone could ever dislike paninis. There is something so sublime about biting into its warm, gooey, inviting, crunchy ensemble that it renders people transfixed by happiness. The grilled goodness of a panini makes it perfect… [read more]

What makes a parent?

Ah, Life. Yes, I’m talking about the BBC documentary series. If you haven’t seen it, check it out – it’s astounding and brilliant and educational all at the same time, and is the basis for many a parody about human behaviour. One particular scene shows a female North Pacific giant octopus finding a quiet den… [read more]

Victoria Day Weekend

With Victoria Day weekend finally here, summer is just around the corner! This means more amusement parks, beach outings, strolls around the beautiful city landscape, farmer’s markets, and so much more! If you’re planning on spending your long weekend enjoying the warmer weather, think about bringing along your own meals and snacks. It’s a less… [read more]