Kids & Company Blog

Cabbage Slaw

Looking for the perfect food to tie your whole barbeque together? Don’t forget about summer’s favourite side dish; Coleslaw! Coleslaw is a cabbage salad, typically consisting of cabbage, carrots, vinegar and mayonnaise. It pairs well with summer favourites like hamburgers and other barbequed foods. We can thank NYC deli owner Richard Hellmann’s creation of the… [read more]

Step by Step Guide on CPR

Most people don’t think to brush up their skills in First Aid until after an emergency happens. We at Kids & Company believe that it is better to be proactive instead of reactive. Here are step by step guides for performing CPR on infants under the age of 1 and children between the ages of 1 – 8… [read more]

Food Safety

Food safety is especially important when dealing with children. As children’s immune systems aren’t as strong as adults, they are more susceptible to foodborne illness.  Foodborne illness is food poisoning caused by pathogens and bacteria that contaminate the food that we eat. Every year millions of people experience foodborne illness, and some people aren’t even… [read more]

Poolside Snacks

I think it’s safe to say most people’s favourite season is Summer. What’s not to love? The gorgeous sunshine, the long weekends, eating on the patio, lounging by the pool or on the beach! With only 93 days to enjoy the year’s best season, we’ve come up with some tips and ideas to get the… [read more]

Travelling with Kids

It’s easy to idealize travelling with kids. You picture your babies exploring new places, learning new things, and peacefully passing out after a full day. However, reality sets in when its 3 am on a plane and your poor screaming baby thinks its morning! In these scenarios, having 8 restless kids, I didn’t just wish… [read more]

Dressing Your Kids for the Outdoors

Playing with your little ones outdoors is a great way for the kids to connect with nature and bond with the entire family this summer, but the key to a good time is safety and ensuring everyone’s well being, especially for the children. One way to do so is by dressing them properly so that… [read more]

August Long Weekend

Long weekends are a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with your family. The weather is at its best and full of sunshine in August.  As this Summer continues to be exceptionally hot, here are a few ways to stay cool during this long weekend! First and foremost, never let your kiddies leave the house… [read more]

Featured Recipe: Caesar Wrap

Who doesn’t love a good Caesar salad? Most people assume the Caesar salad dish originated from Rome, being named after the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. However, the real origin of the traditional salad was invented in Mexico much later in history. Restauranteur Chef Caesar Cardini developed the Caesar Salad while hosting a Fourth of July… [read more]

Parenting Hacks: Taking Babies on Airplanes

Summer and vacations are supposed to be exciting and relaxing, right? Descriptions of flying with your baby or toddler rarely use those words! If you plan to take to the air with your little ones, here are some of our hard-learned tips for traveling with kids. Pack a change of clothes for everyone in the… [read more]

Summer Veggie Grillin’

Barbeque season is upon us. And what better way to enjoy our veggies than having that hint of smoky flavour, a crispy charred outside and warm soft inside! It becomes a real treat when we can finally utilize our barbeques, not only for delicious food, but also for fast and convenient cooking. Vegetables tend to… [read more]