Kids & Company Blog

The Benefits of Socialization: Child Care and Playgroups

One of the most important issues that parents consider after the birth of their baby is whether to go back to work and if they choose to do so, how should they prepare their family for this. Does one parent stay home? Do they hire a nanny? Do they send the baby to a child… [read more]

Bountiful Berries

This time of year is not only beautiful, but it’s also berry season! If you are looking for fresh, in-season berries you can find them from mid-May to August. Strawberries are in-season from about mid-May through to June, raspberries from early June to mid-July, blueberries from July through to early August and blackberries in August…. [read more]

Kids & Company Summer Camp Program!

The weather is getting warmer and your children are getting anxious for summer break… It’s time to sign up for Kids & Company’s Summer Camp Program! Kids & Company has developed a variety of theme-based Camp Programs and is taking registrations now! These programs provide engaging activities to keep children happy and active through exciting… [read more]

Crib or Cradle? Where to start

Whether you choose to start your baby out in a crib or slowly progress from a cradle or bassinet to a crib, there are a few things that should be considered. Whether you start with a cradle or go right to the crib is all a matter of preference.  We had each of our 8… [read more]

Popular Fruit Popsicles

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Victoria Day weekend marks the beginning of the summer season for my family and me. The summer season brings with it lots of sun, BBQs, long weekends, and celebrations! Want a colourful, delicious and healthy cold snack to make for your children this summer? Try making a… [read more]

We’re Going on a Picnic…

I love the idea of taking day trips with the children. When my children were younger we would take walks to the local park, go on day trips to the zoo or explore southern Ontario. These outings would be lots of fun and would keep our family busy for hours! Packing picnic lunches and snacks… [read more]

Excited to be a Grandmother!

As you might imagine, there are many reasons why I  decided to have eight children, but the biggest reason is because I simply love babies! I love babies to the point that I am drawn to and absolutely captivated everyday by any baby that I see. I guess you could say that I am the right woman to be… [read more]

Our Annual Toronto Zoo Event is back!

SAVE THE DATE! We are thrilled to announce that our annual Kids & Company family event at the Metro Toronto Zoo will be taking place on Sunday June 23rd, 2013. Last year, this event was a huge success with over 700 guests in attendance! We hope to make this year even bigger and better with… [read more]

Mad About Mother’s Day

This month of May is turning into a great one. Not only has the weather this week been absolutely beautiful, a very special weekend is coming up! Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 12th. Mother’s Day is a great time to honour our mothers and mother figures. As a mother of three wonderful children, I… [read more]

Getting Creative in our Mini Masters Program!

Last week in our Toddler Mini Masters Program, the children continued with their unit American artist Viola Frey and looked at her piece entitled “Sculpture in the Desert”. The toddlers examined her  large, over the top sculptures of giant men and women and discussed shape and size. For their art project, the children drew mountains… [read more]