Kids & Company Blog

Back to School Healthy Snacking

Something we can always be sure our kiddies will eat are their snacks!  They eat them at recess, lunch and after school so it’s important we make them healthy!  Grocery aisles are loaded with sugar filled and low nutrition snacks that are easy to pick up, but if you put a little thought into it you can be sure your kids are eating fun and healthy snacks throughout the day!

When my kiddies were young I always had a large platter of sliced fruit and veggies for them to devour when they came home from school.  I found that they were so hungry at the end of the school day before we started driving in every direction taking them to their after-school activities.  It is easy when you are preparing dinner the night before to slice up some extra veggies for the next day’s snack and then add some fruit.  This is nutritious fuel for their bodies and at the same time instilling lifelong healthy snacking habits.

A great idea for snacking is veggie and fruit chips! There are tons of varieties to try and they contain more nutrients and less fat than traditional potato chips because they aren’t deep fried! You can also try flavouring your chips with other spices such as pepper, or cinnamon.  Some great baked chip options include apple, zucchini, and sweet potato chips!  Try making a big batch of baked chips at the beginning of the week to add to lunches and have around the house!

Another amazing snack idea is homemade fruit rolls! Unlike the store-bought fruit rolls these are inspired by, homemade varieties have no artificial sugar and no preservatives!  This snack can be made by blending any combination of your favourite fruits and baking the mixture at a low temperature on a baking sheet! Portion them in little rolls on parchment paper for super fun presentation and easy eating!

Finally, the ultimate go-to kid’s snack is a granola bar.  These are one of the snacks that we often think of as healthy but realistically, many store-bought varieties are packed with sugar, preservatives and artificial flavours. Granola bars are super fun and easy to make at home and you can customize them to your families likes and dislikes.  Choose some of your favourite seeds and dried fruits and some sort of sweetener such as dates or maple syrup to mix with an oat base.  If you are looking for an easy recipe, try our Kidco Kitchen recipe here. Your kids will gobble them up!

With healthy snacks around the house you can be confident your little ones will be getting tons of great nutrients throughout their busy days!  Check out our Kidco Kitchen website for more sensational snack ideas!

From our kitchen to yours…Enjoy!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @kidcochildcare and on Instagram @cheflisaruscica!


Chef Lisa Ruscica

Chief Food Ambassador

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