Kids & Company Blog

Keeping Your Child’s Sleep Consistent On-the-Go: Tips for Summer Adventures

Child playing at a beachThis blog is written by our guest author, Alana Metallo, a Certified Sleep Consultant from MetaSleep Consulting. MetaSleep helps families navigate sleep and live a well-rested lifestyle. Through consultation, they educate, guide, and support families about the benefits of healthy sleep, and help parents create a customized sleep routine for their children’s naps and bedtime.

As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, summer signals families to venture outdoors for adventures. However, for parents focused on maintaining their child's sleep routine, the excitement of the season can also bring about some hesitations. How do you ensure your child gets the sleep they need while on the go during these lively months? Fear not! Here are some tips to help you keep your child's sleep consistent even amidst the summer hustle and bustle.

Prioritize Naptime, Wherever You Are:

Whether you're at the beach, in a park, or on a road trip, prioritize your child's naptime just as you would at home. Pack familiar naptime essentials – their favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or sleep sounds – to create a comforting sleep environment wherever you are.

Embrace Flexibility:

While consistency is key, it's also important to embrace flexibility during summer adventures. Understand that naptimes and bedtimes may shift slightly due to outings or late sunsets. Instead of stressing over exact timing, focus on ensuring your child gets the overall amount of sleep they need each day.

Plan Ahead for Sleep-Friendly Environments:

If you know you'll be out and about during naptime or bedtime, plan ahead by scouting out sleep-friendly environments. Look for shaded areas, and quiet corners, or even create a cozy spot in your car with blackout shades and white noise to help your child settle down to sleep.

Stick to Your Wind-Down Routine:

Even amidst the excitement of outdoor adventures, stick to your child's wind-down routine as much as possible. Whether it's reading a book, singing a lullaby, or engaging in quiet play, maintaining this familiar routine signals to your child that it's time to transition to sleep.

Be Mindful of Sun Exposure:

Longer daylight hours during summer mean more sun exposure, which can impact your child's sleep schedule. Be mindful of this and consider adjusting your outdoor activities to avoid direct sun exposure during peak naptime and bedtime hours.

Stay Hydrated and Cool:

Warmer weather calls for extra hydration and measures to stay cool. Ensure your toddler stays well-hydrated throughout the day and dress them in lightweight, breathable clothing to prevent overheating, which can disrupt sleep.

Encourage Outdoor Activities:

While maintaining sleep consistency is important, don't shy away from outdoor activities. Fresh air and sunshine can promote better sleep, so encourage your child to engage in age-appropriate outdoor activities during the day to expend energy and promote restful sleep at night.

The warmer weather offers endless opportunities for adventure and fun, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your child's sleep routine. By prioritizing naptime, embracing flexibility, planning ahead, sticking to wind-down routines, being mindful of sun exposure, staying hydrated and cool, and encouraging outdoor activities, you can maintain sleep consistency for your child even while on the go. So, pack your sunscreen, grab your child's favorite naptime essentials, and get ready for a season of sleep-filled adventures!

This blog is written by our guest author, Alana Metallo, a Certified Sleep Consultant from MetaSleep Consulting. MetaSleep helps families navigate sleep and live a well-rested lifestyle. Through consultation, they educate, guide, and support families about the benefits of healthy sleep, and help parents create a customized sleep routine for their children’s naps and bedtime. 

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