Kids & Company Blog: Hot Topics

Managing Sleep & The Holidays

By: Janey Reilly of WeeSleep The holiday season is fast-approaching; while many parents of young children are stressing about last-minute gift purchases, others simply want to get their wee ones and themselves some proper sleep in time for this hectic time of year.Managing an overtired toddler as you host out-of-town guests, or navigating your 6-month… [read more]

Crying on Santa’s Lap and Other Holiday Memories

As we looked at our family calendar the other day, trying to pinpoint the best day to go get our Christmas tree in between work, sport, school concerts and holiday gatherings, I had a familiar feeling. I felt stressed about the holidays and wondered how we were going to get everything done. When would there… [read more]

Chore boards, family hugs and other adventures in trying to build routine

I know (I know, I know, I know) how important routine is. But it’s sooooo hard for me. And it’s been a murky and ugly transition from leading a life of spontaneity and doing-what-we-want-when-we-want to having some semblance of structure for our family. Changing baby’s diaper and putting said baby down four seconds later in… [read more]

First Aid for Choking

It is important to familiarize yourself with First Aid training so you are well prepared in the case of an emergency. Knowing how to quickly and effectively help your child clear a blocked airway and resuscitate them may save their life. Here are step by step guides for infants under the age of 1 and children between… [read more]

Step by Step Guide on CPR

Most people don’t think to brush up their skills in First Aid until after an emergency happens. We at Kids & Company believe that it is better to be proactive instead of reactive. Here are step by step guides for performing CPR on infants under the age of 1 and children between the ages of 1 – 8… [read more]

Parenting Hacks: Taking Babies on Airplanes

Summer and vacations are supposed to be exciting and relaxing, right? Descriptions of flying with your baby or toddler rarely use those words! If you plan to take to the air with your little ones, here are some of our hard-learned tips for traveling with kids. Pack a change of clothes for everyone in the… [read more]

See what Emma’s eating? The positive impact of eating with peers

Say the words “picky eater” and you may get strong reactions. Some parents will tell you woefully how their child will only eat white food while others report that Junior has the palate of Julia Child. At some point, most parents deal with a child who is resistant to new foods. Yes, you do hear… [read more]

Parenting Hacks: Sick baby or child edition

All parents know that “Uh-oh!” moment when you realize your child isn’t just cranky – he’s sick.  Here are a few parenting hacks for those times when your little ones are under the weather. Stomach Flu/Vomiting: Put an extra set of sheets on the crib or bed when your child has the stomach flu.  Use… [read more]

Parenting Hacks: Cold Weather Edition

Cold temperatures, snow and all of the accompanying outerwear can eat precious minutes out of your daily routines and make getting outside feel like a headache.  We’ve asked our savvy Kidco Staff and found some great images from our favourite photo resources (thanks Pinterest!) to come up with the cold weather parenting hacks you need… [read more]

Our dirty little secret…my kids & technology

Ok, I will preface this post by saying that my wife and I are busy working parents, are both educated people and logically, are very aware of the concerns of exposing our 2 young children to excess technology –whether it be TV, iPads, etc –to simply keep the kids busy/occupied.  Of course we should only… [read more]