Kids & Company Blog: Hot Topics

To Screen, or not to Screen…That is the question.

It seems logical that this generation of moms wonders what’s best for their kiddos as it relates to technology. After all, I sometimes as an adult wonder where the line should be drawn between “enhancing” our lives and letting it take over. I think I would fit into the category of anti-screen moms if I… [read more]

The Gift of a Growing Family

So this month we’re addressing growing your family and siblings…It’s fabulously appropriate for my home now because we’re only a few months away from adding another little person to our collection ourselves. Yep, that Kardeshes are growing. A baby girl is scheduled to arrive in June and we’re delighted. My sister shared this video with… [read more]

Kidco Kuts Vancouver Launch!

  We are so excited to announce that Kidco Kuts is launching in Vancouver! We are partnering with Shears 2 U Mobile Hairstylists to bring Kidco Kuts to our locations throughout the Vancouver area. Children will now have the opportunity to get their haircut on a monthly basis by a friendly, professional and experienced hairstylist…. [read more]

Awesome Dads

Dads can be awesome too.  Yes, it’s true.  While mom still rules, I would like to think that we dads are slowly getting our due.   In my own role with Kids & Co, and as one of the (rare) men in this still generally female-dominated world of childcare, my eyes have been opened even more… [read more]

Products the Kidco Kitchen Loves: Beware Bandits™ Wristbands

One of our Site Directors at a Toronto, Ontario location (thanks Jessica!) recently brought to my attention a great product now available to help with allergy awareness. Working specifically with the menu development in our centres across the country, I have to be aware of many different types of food allergies and restrictions for children. Allergy… [read more]

mini mioche!

I was so pleased when my daughter-in-law introduced me to mini mioche. She loves the fact that their clothing is organic, eco-friendly and made in Canada! In conjunction with mini mioche we are able to offer an amazing opportunity for our Kids & Company families. Please read below for a quick overview of this cool Canadian… [read more]

The Stroller Purchase

Somehow strollers seem to be an overly interesting and addictive purchase for new moms (and dads!). We bought our first stroller more than 28 years ago and it was a protracted and exhausting process which ending with me telling my very patient and naive husband that it would be the first and last stroller that… [read more]

Summer Salads!

I have a confession to make…. I am a BIG salad lover! Salad is easy & quick to prepare, it’s healthy and delicious! I eat salads all year long; however, during the summer months, I like to spice things up! I deviate from the traditional leafy green salads and add a twist! Specifically, I like… [read more]

Exercising: Do It With Your Children!

Often it can be hard to find time to exercise and move around during the busy and hot months of summer. One of my favourite ways to exercise while spending time with family is by exercising with your children! When I had eight little ones, I was too busy chasing them around to find the… [read more]

What To Consider When Choosing A Summer Camp!

Summer break is just around the corner and while the kids are counting down to the lazy days of summer, many parents are scrambling to find a way to keep their kids entertained and stimulated over the break. A popular option is to register in a summer day camp. Here are some tips for choosing… [read more]