Kids & Company Blog: Curriculum

A Green Reading List for Earth Day: Learning with Kindness, Innovation, and Optimism

At Kids & Company we believe in nurturing not only young minds but also instilling values of kindness, responsibility towards our planet, and fostering a sense of optimism for a brighter future. Afterall, Kindness, Innovative, and Optimism are a part of our Kidco values. In this blog, we share a reading list that our educators… [read more]

​​3 Ways Digital Learning Tools Can Benefit Children & Families and Support Teachers

This blog is written by our partners in innovation, Marco Polo Learning.  Most of us can think of a documentary that fascinated us.  A clip of an animal in nature, a new invention, or even the inner workings of our own body that is engraved in our memory because it was awe-inspiring.  Technology and media… [read more]

How to Talk about Earth Month with Your Children

April is Earth Month, a time to raise awareness and create consciousness around the issues that affect the health of our planet. Concepts like water conservation, recycling, and electricity are widely discussed, but it can sometimes be difficult to explain these concepts to our young children in a way that demonstrates exactly why or how… [read more]

What is STEM learning and does my child need it?

   We are currently expecting our fourth and the one major insight I have after seven years of parenting is this: kids, like real people, are all very different. Our three kids have vastly different personalities, interests, skills and needs. I’ve been surprised at how uniquely we need to structure their routines, boundaries and education… [read more]

Kindergarten: preparing for September

As we move through the new year, there any many families with a little one getting ready to go into kindergarten for the first time in September. At this stage parents are thinking through logistics, registration and possibly childcare and daycare options to work around their kindergarten program. But there is another side to kindergarten… [read more]