Kids & Company Blog

Sunshine Supplements

Basking in the summer sun not only feels good, but is essential for health! Getting sun allows for vitamin D absorption, also aptly known as the sunshine vitamin. In the winter not only is there a scarcity of direct sunlight that gets by the cover of clouds and snow, but even if there is sun… [read more]

Family Day Weekend!

The much needed February long weekend is here! This long weekend is particularly special because it is meant as a time to devote some attention to the loved ones that often you only see for dinner after a long, tiring work day. Here at Kids & Company we realize how busy our parents are, so… [read more]

A Four Word Letter Said in Three Courses

A whole day has been devoted to celebrating love, and what better way to the heart than through cooking your loved one a special meal that will show them how much you care. This year ditch the chocolates, flowers, and teddy bears and make your Valentine something from scratch! They’ll love the homemade food, and… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Super Bowl Party

Will you and your little ones be watching the Super Bowl this Sunday? Or maybe attending a Super Bowl party with family and friends? Looking for yummy snacks and meal ideas that your family will enjoy? We’ve got you covered! If you’re looking for meal favourites, you can try our classic Kidco Kitchen Chicken Mac & Cheese or… [read more]

Eat As You Wish

Chinese New Year is a holiday known for its brilliant red decorations that adorn houses, images of the year of the monkey (which is this year), fireworks, the honouring of ancestors, and watching tremendous lion and dragon dances as a way to ring in the New Year. In the Western tradition we make New Year’s… [read more]

The Best Parenting Tip I Know

Parents are really into parenting tips.   Being a parent myself, I get it.  We want something easy— a back pocket solution that can be implemented quickly in moments of meltdown, defiance, bewilderment, etc. Perhaps more than easy, we want something effective, something that will work regardless of who our children are or the circumstances we’re… [read more]

Something’s Brewing

Now that the cold, snowy winter has settled in there’s nothing like that feeling of warmth from a hot soup soothing your throat after a chilly outing! That’s why this week we’re talking all about how to make the perfect homemade soup! The first major decision in soup making is the stock or broth you’ll… [read more]

Parenting Hacks: Sick baby or child edition

All parents know that “Uh-oh!” moment when you realize your child isn’t just cranky – he’s sick.  Here are a few parenting hacks for those times when your little ones are under the weather. Stomach Flu/Vomiting: Put an extra set of sheets on the crib or bed when your child has the stomach flu.  Use… [read more]

Desserts Done Date Cheap

Medjool dates are unlike normal dates in that they are more succulent and naturally sweet, establishing the perfect substitute for sugar in your child’s sweets. There are a little over 60 calories each, but don’t let this stark number scare you away. The calories in these dates come from the high concentration of carbohydrates in… [read more]

Featured Recipe: Kidco Kitchen Piri Piri Chicken

Sweet, smoky, and a little spicy, could you ask for a better-rounded dish than Piri Piri Chicken? In winter when the snow covers the world in a sheet of white and things may seem a bit monotonous, this dish is sure to liven up your chilly evenings! This warming feast may be a dish whose… [read more]