Kids & Company Blog

Creepy Crudité

Halloween Is just over a week away and I must say, everything is starting to feel a little spooooooooooky! Do you have plans with your children for this Halloween? Will you be dressing up? Hosting any get-togethers? Trick or Treating? When my children were younger, we all would dress up for Halloween. I always looked… [read more]

Prenatal Exercises

The concept of prenatal exercise has changed significantly over the last 28 years. In the past, it was rarely discussed and usually associated with “going for a walk” or “going to a step class”. I remember seeing some of my pregnant friends continue running into their final months of pregnancy! Sadly, this was not the… [read more]

So Thankful for Thanksgiving…

Thanksgiving is always a wonderful time in the Ruscica household. As my children have grown up, I’ve tried to stress that we really should use this weekend (and the rest of the year!) as an opportunity to be thankful for all that we do have. Life can be a little crazy at times and sometimes… [read more]

The Stroller Purchase

Somehow strollers seem to be an overly interesting and addictive purchase for new moms (and dads!). We bought our first stroller more than 28 years ago and it was a protracted and exhausting process which ending with me telling my very patient and naive husband that it would be the first and last stroller that… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen GTA is Open!

I am so happy to let the Kids & Company world know that we have opened the Kidco Kitchen in Ajax that is serving our Greater Toronto and Toronto sites. The Kidco Kitchen launched in the Toronto area on September 3rd, 2013 and has been serving our delicious Kidco Kitchen menu ever since. The Ajax… [read more]

Brrr… It’s Chili Outside!

The mornings and evenings have been very chilly lately. Fall is in the air! This brisk weather has got me thinking about the different stews, soups, and my personal favourite, chilies that I can be making in the kitchen! It’s the perfect way to warm up on a “chili” evening. This week, all of the… [read more]

Milestones and Learning Styles: Every Child is Different and Things Have Changed Over the Last 30 Years!

Watching your child grow and develop new skills is one of the exciting activities that come along with being a parent. It was always a party in our house when the newest member to the family took their first steps or spoke their first words! But even though we were focused on celebrating our child’s… [read more]

Awesome Apple Picking

September is an exciting month. I’m sure many of our Kidco families had children starting school for the first time or going back for another year. I especially like September because it marks the beginning of Apple Picking Season! Even now, I love the wagon rides and spending the day at the orchard with my… [read more]

Learning Through Play!

I have eight children. As you can imagine, working at building a business to care for children while raising my own family was a big job. I believe that having my own children helped me in creating the kind of place that I would want me children to be while I was working. When we… [read more]

Bringing Baby Home from the Hospital: Checklist!

It seems appropriate that it is the fall and I am writing about bringing your baby home from the hospital! I have a number of fall babies, and most importantly my first! He was born September 20th and will be 28 this year. The crazy thing is that it truly seems both like yesterday and… [read more]