Kids & Company Blog: Development & Milestones

Managing Sleep & The Holidays

By: Janey Reilly of WeeSleep The holiday season is fast-approaching; while many parents of young children are stressing about last-minute gift purchases, others simply want to get their wee ones and themselves some proper sleep in time for this hectic time of year.Managing an overtired toddler as you host out-of-town guests, or navigating your 6-month… [read more]

Why we chose Kids & Company for our boys

It took a while for me to settle into being a mom. I am very Type A, efficient, organized. I had an idea in my head of what it would be like, the things I would do, the baby we would have. And it’s funny to me now, how much I wanted to be prepared… [read more]

Establishing a Sleep Routine

Establishing a sleep routine for your baby can often be challenging and frustrating at times for new parents. I learned the hard way with my first as there was a lot of patting, rubbing and rocking. I decided to get it right with my second!  I think it helped that he loved to sleep (and still does… [read more]

High Fives from the Highchair

Some new parents feel overwhelmed by having a new baby, and assume that making baby food themselves is too onerous. With all the baby food products, out these days, why bother cooking from scratch when you could conveniently buy it from the supermarket? It may seem like a convenient option; however even organic baby food… [read more]

A Note About Independence to My Sons

I was raised to be independent by a mother who had experience in the field. Fiercely entrepreneurial, she took on the business world once my sister and I were entered school and with some high-risk hard-work undertakings went from one investment to countless. Semi-retired, she still runs her own businesses, real estate and investments. She’s… [read more]

Managing Childhood Disease

Some parents hope for a boy, others a girl. Many wish for their children to become exceptional, becoming a rode scholar, or Olympic athlete. However, there is one universal thing that every parent wishes for, that their child is healthy. For a few unfortunate parents, this is not the case, they are faced with the… [read more]

Getting Young Children to Eat: My two biggest mistakes

The two biggest mistakes I’ve made when it comes to fostering healthy eating habits in my two-year-old daughter and four-year-old son are: 1.  Paying too much attention to what/how much they eat. 2.  Giving them too many choices regarding what/how much they eat. When I share these mistakes with other parents in my Wholeplay classes,… [read more]

See what Emma’s eating? The positive impact of eating with peers

Say the words “picky eater” and you may get strong reactions. Some parents will tell you woefully how their child will only eat white food while others report that Junior has the palate of Julia Child. At some point, most parents deal with a child who is resistant to new foods. Yes, you do hear… [read more]

How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?

I cringe whenever that phrase sneaks out of my mouth because I’m caught in that awkward life phase where I still remember being a kid perplexed at the things my parents said but I’ve also become a mother exasperated at the stubborn, faulty and maddening logic of a Picky Eater. Our one-year-old isn’t the issue;… [read more]

Learning Through Music in the Classroom!

All children love music, but some love it more than others! My grandson Maclean is just over two, and he really really loves music. He sings and dances along to many of the Mumford and Sons songs! So how does music fit in to our day at Kids & Company? As you know, we pride… [read more]