Kids & Company Blog: Development & Milestones

Tips and Tricks of Potty Training!

I can’t say potty training was my favourite part of parenting.  My dislike for potty training had little to do with the “accidents” that occurred, the feeling of being trapped in a house, or the actual acts of the training process, but all to do with the constant feeling of pressure to have my child… [read more]

Potty training Twins – Twice the Fun!

One common piece of potty training advice is to capitalize on your toddler’s interest in the toilet or bathroom functions.  Unfortunately, my 2 year old twin boys showed lots of interest just as my husband was commuting to a job 400 miles away from home and I was packing up our apartments for our move… [read more]

Preparing for the Potty Training Adventure!

 As most of you know Landon, my son, is a toddler and the question regarding when to potty train has been lingering through our household for a couple of months now. Especially with number two on the way…From what I’ve heard/read you have two choices when it comes to adding baby number two and potty… [read more]

Helping Young Children Adjust to a New Baby Sibling : Toddlers

Spring brings new babies! I had three spring babies myself! A wonderful time to be on mat leave and a great time to toilet train, the summer after they turn two…. When I had my children, I bought a “cabbage patch baby” for the new brother or sister and presented “their baby” to them at… [read more]

Sleep Training

Sleep training is one of the most controversial and stressful issues for parents. Not necessarily just in the first year but with my eighth child, my husband and I had a middle of the night visitor for five years! It was actually 29 years ago that I was expecting my first son. I certainly didn’t… [read more]

Getting Through the Night!

Back to the topic of sleep! Such an important part of each child’s day. As I read through Wholeplay’s messaging I realized that only two of my babies really slept well. Initially, I was much more involved with these two with respect to their feeding and sleeping patterns. As my life became more and more… [read more]

Navigating the Journey

I have lived and continue to live, an incredible life for which I am truly grateful and one of my greatest gifts is my two kids. They are 21 and 19 now and away at university. They have given me the opportunity to explore motherhood, (for which I am no expert) but they have always… [read more]

Safety First: What does safe sleep look like?

Sleep seems to be one of the most important concerns for new parents.  With my eight children, I found that they were all different and their sleep patterns were very similar to their personalities. The temperamental ones had difficulty sleeping and are still a little difficult to deal with!  If you watch your baby closely… [read more]

Getting your little ones to sleep…easier said than done!

As I read the excerpt below from our experts at Wholeplay, I can verify from personal experience that every child has their own unique sleeping habits and interest in sleep. Some children are naturally good sleepers while others often feel like they might miss out on something hence they only allow their body to have… [read more]

Prenatal Exercises

The concept of prenatal exercise has changed significantly over the last 28 years. In the past, it was rarely discussed and usually associated with “going for a walk” or “going to a step class”. I remember seeing some of my pregnant friends continue running into their final months of pregnancy! Sadly, this was not the… [read more]