Kids & Company Blog: Family

It’s Resolution Time! Happy 2020

Let me start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful time ringing in the new year with your friends and family — I sure did! The start of a brand new year (and decade!) is associated with new beginnings. With new beginnings comes the tendency to reflect… [read more]

Try Dates for Date Night!

Dates are sweet. Dates go great with dinner. Dates are new and exciting. Dates are fun. The fun thing is … we aren’t talking about a romantic evening between two but are discussing a small fruit that grows on trees! Dates are a popular item among the food industry – especially in the sweets department…. [read more]

It’s National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day!

Time to break the news to your little ones — this Friday, September 13, is National Kids Take Over the Kitchen Day. For those choosing to observe this national day, all children must report to their kitchens (adult supervision is required)! For all of our moms, dads and caregivers out there who work tirelessly each… [read more]

The Benefits of Eating Together as a Family

With any family whether big or small, there’s no doubt that it’s a challenge to enjoy a family meal together. Work commitments, sporting events and school schedules are typically what keep most families from enjoying this valuable family time together. However, research shows that children who have meals with their families are more likely to… [read more]

Ripe for the Picking!

In the summer months, you don’t have to travel very far to buy local berries because they grow in every Canadian province and U.S state! My family and I always count down the days to when we can get our hands on these juicy, delicious treats.  Hand-picking berries or other fruits is a wonderful (and… [read more]

Decrease your Waste in the Kitchen!

It’s without a doubt that the kitchen is the biggest waste producer in most households. Between food waste and packaging, there is a ton of garbage that comes from the kitchen. It’s estimated that more than half of the food produced in Canada is lost or wasted, which is almost $2,000 of food wasted per… [read more]

Canada, Eh?

It’s almost that time! Canada turns another year older…152 years never looked so good. Our wonderful country is made up of many cultures, histories and…climates, I mean only Canada would have 25 cm of snow on the first week of summer! (We hope Alberta is holding in there.) This weekend is dedicated time to celebrate… [read more]

Get outside this Father’s Day!

This Sunday is Father’s Day. An entire day to celebrate our beloved, dedicated, hard-working dads and role models. Today is the day to let all these men in your life know just how special they are. Within the next few weeks, all of our Kids & Company locations are having on-site celebrations to honour all… [read more]

Spring Clean Your Eating Habits!

Spring cleaning can be a therapeutic practice — out with the old, the unused and the clutter. Why not do the same for your pantry this spring? Cleaning out your kitchen cupboards, your fridge and your pantry can make you feel lighter (both mentally and physically). Besides cleaning out foods that are expired or spoiled,… [read more]

Kent Kaufield on Paternity Leave

Kent and Jennifer Kaufield enjoy a beach day with their three children years ago. _____ Eighteen years ago, having a male business executive step back from his full-time position to raise a little one was rare. Parental leave in Canada was six months long, and it was most commonly used by a mother. Eighteen years… [read more]