Kids & Company Blog

The Creepy Crudité Contest is Back!

The most exciting part of the Fall season has arrived – It’s Halloween! Kids & Company loves Halloween, almost as much as we love sharing the holiday with all of our kiddies and parents! To get your kiddies even more amped up for the trick or treat season, each year we have them participate in… [read more]

What to Do with That Leftover Turkey…

It happens every year on Thanksgiving, our eyes are often bigger than our stomachs. It’s hard to avoid piling your plate high with a delicious selection of turkey, ham, potatoes, harvest vegetables, gravy and so much more on this food centered holiday. If you find yourself unable to finish all of your delicious food, don’t… [read more]

Thanksgiving Celebrations!

Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family and be thankful for all the wonderful food our country provides us! This is a great time of year to come together with friends and family and celebrate all we are thankful for. Turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli, cheese, stuffing, gravy and pumpkin pie…. Thanksgiving is a feast… [read more]

Food Safety

We want to protect our kiddies and families as much as possible and food is no exception! There are an abundance of rules to remember when it comes to keeping your food safe and fresh for as long as possible and it sure can get confusing! It’s great to teach your kids tips and rules… [read more]

Back to School, Back to Reality

The long, breezy nights of summer have passed, and you find yourself smack dab in the middle of fall. How did you get here – you wonder as you absentmindedly slice fruit to create an animal shape for your wee one’s bento-box style lunch. You bought the new back pack, “sharpied” the labels in all… [read more]

How does Kids & Company Maintain Routines?

Last post, we discussed why routines are an important tool to help your child have a comfortable, successful transitions throughout the day with one of our experts and Area Directors, Jennifer Comber. She reminded us that routine creates structure, and structure empowers children. To read about what she had to say and get some tips… [read more]

The Pressures of the Bagged Lunch!

It’s the just the beginning of the school year and your bagged lunch routine is already becoming repetitive. Your kiddies are getting bored with their soy butter and fruit spread sandwich, however it’s the most convenient option you know your kid’s will enjoy! You are stressing out because according to social media it should be… [read more]

The Importance of Maintaining a Healthy Routine

The experts say it all the time; “routine is key”; and it’s true. Here at Kids & Company we know routine is important, not only for the success of your child, but for your sanity as a parent. We interviewed Jennifer Comber, one of our own experts and Area Directors, on the importance of routines… [read more]

Every Day calls for a Taco Tuesday Celebration!

Can you say Taco Tuesday???  Everyone LOVES this traditional Mexican dish composed of a corn or wheat tortilla wrapped around a scrumptious filling. The perfect taco has two essential components: the protein and the toppings (the wackier the better!). The protein can be literally be anything including savory steak, pulled pork, barbeque chicken, or grilled… [read more]

Sleep Myths – Shattered!

“Awww so cute; how’s he sleeping?” “Are you getting any sleep?” “Has she slept through the night yet?” Sound familiar? Chances are if you’re a parent, the answer is “yes.” Few topics are so highly discussed as sleep (or lack thereof it!), especially when it comes to babies. And few sleep-related topics are as controversial… [read more]