Kids & Company Blog

Meet the Parents: Real Families Talk About the Journey of Parenting

When Dana Murphy and I first connected, something she noted caught my attention and I wanted to hear more about her family: “Being a mom, for me, was always the most important aspect of my life. We struggled with infertility, so it was a hard road to get pregnant. And then Sarah was born 10… [read more]

Taco Time!

Everything tastes better wrapped up in a taco!  Whatever your preference is for protein there are plenty of ways to make a delicious taco because it’s all about the toppings.  Not only do tacos taste great, they are also a fun meal to prepare with family and friends! Tacos are one of my favourite foods… [read more]

Better together

You can’t judge a book by its cover, and you can’t always judge a food by its nutrition label. Sometimes we pick and choose our foods based on factors such as how much fibre they have, or how little sugar they contain. However, the nutrition of our food can be changed tremendously based on how… [read more]

Cold Pressed Juice Craze!

Now a multi billion-dollar industry, cold pressed juices are the latest food trend.  With these trends always comes conflicting information that can entice us to buy into them.  Are cold pressed juices the key to good health like they claim to be? Are they better than any other juices or just plain old fruit and vegetables?… [read more]

Preserving Summer!

Summer gives us beautiful, bountiful produce that is so delicious! Do you ever wish you could have these amazing flavours all year long? Well you can! Whether you pickle it, make jam, make sauce or dry it, there are plenty of ways to preserve your favourite fruits, vegetables and herbs this summer! Preserving fresh produce… [read more]

Canada 150 Years Strong!

Happy birthday Canada! This weekend is extra special as our wonderful country Canada is turning 150 years old! Now more than ever is the perfect time to celebrate this amazing country we call home and appreciate our history, culture and diversity! Check our your Kids & Company location page for any special Canada 150 events… [read more]

Flavours of the Rainbow

Eating colourful foods are not only delicious but also nutritious! Consuming a variety of foods can ensure you are getting all of the wonderful nutrients your body needs. Eating all the colours of the rainbow is a great way to make sure you get tons of healthy vitamins and minerals for you and your family. Canada’s food… [read more]

Preschool Graduation!

Preschool Graduation is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited!  We have loved watching our students grow and learn so many new things over the years. Our teachers have developed such wonderful bonds with their students and are so proud to see them reach this important milestone. Whether they are moving to… [read more]

It’s Daddy Day!

Now that summer is almost here, it’s time to soak up the warmer weather with some special members of the family! Celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, June 18th with your dad, grandfather, uncle or any of your wonderful role models! Father’s Day is a time when you can show the important fatherly figures in your life… [read more]

Farm to Fork

Eating local and in season can have tremendous benefits to the nutrition of our food, and can be a great activity for the family. You may be surprised at the large variety of fruits and vegetables that can be grown just around the corner from where you live! There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables… [read more]