Kids & Company Blog

Helping Young Children Adjust to a New Baby Sibling : Toddlers

Spring brings new babies! I had three spring babies myself! A wonderful time to be on mat leave and a great time to toilet train, the summer after they turn two…. When I had my children, I bought a “cabbage patch baby” for the new brother or sister and presented “their baby” to them at… [read more]

Family-Style Dining at Home

This month’s focus at Kids & Company is children and their relationships with others whether at home with siblings or at school and child care with their peers. I know when my children were younger, I always wanted to instil relationships and a friendships between them. Even though they may drive each other crazy when… [read more]

Defining Time Together

My husband and I were delighted when grandma and grandpa asked if they could take our little guy for a sleep over a few Friday weekends ago. Ahhh…A night on the town just the two of us. Who knows maybe we even get to a restaurant at an adult-like hour, say, 7:30p.m.? Victory! It was… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Tandoori Chicken

Yesterday, the Vancouver Head Chef sent me a picture of the delicious lunch meal that was served across the country at all of our Kids & Company locations. We served Tandoori Chicken and Naan Bread with a Cucumber Raita Salad – Yum! It was a big hit! Parents really seemed to like the picture that… [read more]

As a Parent, Sometimes Practical Beats Romance…right?

Admittedly, my wife and I are quite new to having date nights – period.  With 2 young kids and no family in town to speak of, we have been out on a “date” only a few times in 4 years (when the in-laws were in town, etc).  And quite frankly, we were just never sure… [read more]

Save Time in the Kitchen – Texture Modification for Different Age Groups!

Believe me, I totally understand how busy today’s parents are. I know when my children were younger I was always looking for different ways to create a few extra minutes in a day. Especially when your children are young, dinner time meals can be a lot of work. Maybe you have a 10 month old… [read more]

Parenthood Challenge: Finding time for your Spouse

One of the biggest challenges of (new) parenthood is not forgetting your spouse or partner. It’s hard when the majority of your day is focused on making sure that that child is taken care of. But, it’s also very important to have that down time and focus on that relationship you had before the child… [read more]

Fun Food Valentine’s Day Ideas

Will you be my Valentine? Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. I hope you are taking advantage of Kids & Company’s Date Night tonight. It’s a perfect way to spend some time with your Valentine – and I’m sure your little ones will love spending an evening with their best friends and teachers! Do you have… [read more]

Date Night, What’s Date Night?!

It’s that romantic month of February as I write this and time to reflect way back on those early Valentine’s Days spent at the Kelly’s and the lack of date nights! I am trying hard to remember those dates with my husband of 25 years but for some reason I remember two little ones with… [read more]

Sleep Training

Sleep training is one of the most controversial and stressful issues for parents. Not necessarily just in the first year but with my eighth child, my husband and I had a middle of the night visitor for five years! It was actually 29 years ago that I was expecting my first son. I certainly didn’t… [read more]