Kids & Company Blog

Happy to be Hydrated!

With the summer sun peeking out from behind the clouds, there are so many more reasons to spend time outdoors. However, while summer brings fun in the sun, it becomes increasingly easy to lose large amounts of body fluids and become dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluid then it’s taking in. Being… [read more]

Homework: The fine line between helping them and doing it for them

As children progress through school, homework starts to pour in. Some children are able to finish their homework at their after-school programs while others have a hard time focusing after a long day of concentrating at school. By the time homework makes it home, many of us are tempted to over-help our children in order… [read more]

Allergy Aware Because We Care

While on the road out West launching the new Spring Menu and hosting “From Kidco’s Kitchen” talks, I received many questions about allergy and food restriction policies at Kids & Company… and rightfully so! According to Health Canada, approximately six percent of Canadian children are affected by a food allergy. As many as 1.2 million… [read more]

Mini Masters Fun!

Mini Masters is one of the many proprietary programs we offer at Kids & Company. It is an exhilarating art program that introduces notable artists to our toddlers and preschoolers. Every 4 -5 weeks the children study a different artist and learn about their specialized technique! Last week in our Toddler Mini Masters Program, the… [read more]

Crazy Carrots

After the great response I got from my Bold Broccoli blog, I thought I’d talk about another one of my favourite vegetables this week. I’m crazy for carrots! Carrots are root vegetables that are usually orange in colour. They are very healthy, rich in  dietary fibre, antioxidants, and minerals. Canada’s Food Guide recommends eating at least one… [read more]

Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary Welcome the Kidco Kitchen

After preparing all of last week, creating a new spring menu and ensuring that I had all the materials prepared for my chefs, staff and parents, I was ready to head out to Manitoba and Alberta to show off the Kidco Kitchen menu! These menus exceed both the Canadian Food Guide and Day Nursery Act… [read more]

Bold Broccoli

While sitting in front of my computer, thinking of all of the wonderful subjects I could discuss this week from the food and nutrition world, I came up with my weekly blog idea…or should I say crunched into my weekly blog idea! I love raw vegetables and broccoli in particular. You will find me working… [read more]

I’m not sure what Kermit was Talking About… It’s Easy Being Green!

This past weekend, the sun was shining and the temperatures, though still quite chilly, were definitely warming up. Spring is in the air! The moment the seasons change I find myself thinking of the different fruits and vegetables I will grow in my garden. Produce harvested from your own backyard provides many benefits. You are… [read more]

What an Egg-cellent Way to Have Fun with Food!

If you live in the Toronto area you’ve noticed that we’re still getting snow. I do not know if someone forgot to let Winter know but its Spring’s time to shine! Today is the first official day of the Spring season. I am looking forward to the warmer weather, lots of sunshine and the wonderful… [read more]

Why not be “Deceptively Delicious” this March Break?

This week I would like to highlight a wonderful family cookbook and a great recipe that may come in handy this March Break when the children are home from school. I love “Deceptively Delicious” by Jessica Seinfeld. This New York Times Best Seller gives you “simple secrets to get your kids eating good food.” Jessica… [read more]