Kids & Company Blog: Curriculum

A Green Reading List for Earth Day: Learning with Kindness, Innovation, and Optimism

At Kids & Company we believe in nurturing not only young minds but also instilling values of kindness, responsibility towards our planet, and fostering a sense of optimism for a brighter future. Afterall, Kindness, Innovative, and Optimism are a part of our Kidco values. In this blog, we share a reading list that our educators… [read more]

​​3 Ways Digital Learning Tools Can Benefit Children & Families and Support Teachers

This blog is written by our partners in innovation, Marco Polo Learning.  Most of us can think of a documentary that fascinated us.  A clip of an animal in nature, a new invention, or even the inner workings of our own body that is engraved in our memory because it was awe-inspiring.  Technology and media… [read more]

How to Talk about Earth Month with Your Children

April is Earth Month, a time to raise awareness and create consciousness around the issues that affect the health of our planet. Concepts like water conservation, recycling, and electricity are widely discussed, but it can sometimes be difficult to explain these concepts to our young children in a way that demonstrates exactly why or how… [read more]

5 Books to Engage Children in STREAM Learning 

In Kids & Company classrooms, we follow an emergent or cue-based approach to learning that allows children to lead their own discoveries.  As early as Preschool, we introduce STREAM learning opportunities to encourage children to explore their world and start to develop their observational and critical thinking skills at a young age. You may have… [read more]

Honouring Indigenous Peoples Day

June 21 is National Indigeneous Peoples Day. This is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures, and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit, and Metis peoples.  Today is also the summer solstice (the longest day of the year) and it was chosen for its important symbolism to many… [read more]

Summertime: An opportunity to explore sustainability

There has been a shift in the past few years as we become increasingly aware of the effects that our lifestyles have on the health of our planet. Kids & Company prides itself on prioritizing sustainable operations and cultivating passion in children around the environment; as educators and professionals working in the child care industry,… [read more]

Reading with Pride!

Diversity holds a special place in our hearts. It’s one of our core values at Kids & Company. Every decision we make is intentional in maintaining a diverse and inclusive child care space. Teaching our children the fundamental morals of respecting differences  encourages them to understand, and appreciate, what makes them unique.  Reading to children… [read more]

What is STEM Learning and Why is it Important?

At Kids & Company, we focus on teaching our children using the Emergent Curriculum philosophy — teaching that focuses on being responsive to children’s interests to create meaningful learning experiences. Emergent Curriculum is our foundation, and one of the ways we teach this is by implementing STEM learning. We call it STREAM because we also… [read more]

Outdoor Activities to Try This Summer!

This Monday, June 21 marked the summer solstice! Besides being the first official day of summer, this is the day when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, making it the longest day in the year. With all this extra sunlight, you may be wondering how to keep your little ones busy on… [read more]

The Importance of Physical Activity for Children

As adults, we hear all too often about the importance of participating in physical activity: going to the gym, playing sports, taking a walk, running a marathon. Sure, we all know that we SHOULD be doing it for a number of reasons — to stay healthy and fit, for our mental and physical well-being —… [read more]