Kids & Company Blog: Play & Activities

New Year’s Eve

A great way to celebrate New Year’s Eve with the kids is to host a New Year’s Eve party in the day time so everyone can be included in the festivities. Have your family and friends over for brunch to count down the new year at 12 noon and celebrate with confetti wands, streamers and… [read more]

Owen’s Second Birthday Party!

Being a mother of eight, I’ve seen and organized many birthday parties over the years. I stopped doing parties for my kids once they turned 12, so you can imagine, I’ve experienced a LOT of parties. I’m lucky enough now to be able to stand on the side lines and enjoy my grandkids parties without… [read more]

Crying on Santa’s Lap and Other Holiday Memories

As we looked at our family calendar the other day, trying to pinpoint the best day to go get our Christmas tree in between work, sport, school concerts and holiday gatherings, I had a familiar feeling. I felt stressed about the holidays and wondered how we were going to get everything done. When would there… [read more]

Indoor & Outdoor Safety

To me, the transition from August to September always feels like a new year. I was always so so excited to get everyone off to school and often a new room in child care…from toddler to preschool! It is almost like the start of a new calendar year. September is a time to take stock of… [read more]

Travelling with Kids

It’s easy to idealize travelling with kids. You picture your babies exploring new places, learning new things, and peacefully passing out after a full day. However, reality sets in when its 3 am on a plane and your poor screaming baby thinks its morning! In these scenarios, having 8 restless kids, I didn’t just wish… [read more]

Dressing Your Kids for the Outdoors

Playing with your little ones outdoors is a great way for the kids to connect with nature and bond with the entire family this summer, but the key to a good time is safety and ensuring everyone’s well being, especially for the children. One way to do so is by dressing them properly so that… [read more]

August Long Weekend

Long weekends are a great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors with your family. The weather is at its best and full of sunshine in August.  As this Summer continues to be exceptionally hot, here are a few ways to stay cool during this long weekend! First and foremost, never let your kiddies leave the house… [read more]

Five Reasons Camping with Little Ones is Terrible and Two Reasons to do it Anyways

We used to be adventurous, and then we had kids. At first, you trick yourself into thinking you will still be the exploratory, spontaneous, easy-going people you were before, and maybe you are for a while. Things with one new baby was not the slap-in-the-face-change we had expected, and we found an infant to be… [read more]

Canada Day Weekend

If you’re planning on going away to enjoy the long weekend, planning ahead is a necessity if you want your kiddies to stay entertained during those long road trips. Long car rides can be very stressful when you aren’t equipped with ways to amuse your children for periods of time. Here are some ways you… [read more]

Transitioning into Summer

Summer is fast approaching!  And that means getting your child ready for summer. Whether they are just learning how to swim, almost off school for the summer, or preparing for camp, the summer season can be a big (and fun!) transition.  As a mother of eight, I have learned to make the most of these… [read more]