Kids & Company Blog: Play & Activities

The Importance of Play

Studying at Ryerson University where I earned my degree in Early Childhood Education and studying the likes of Jean Piaget, I learned that play can be physical but also cognitive (intellectual).  Piaget considers that play is related to cognitive development as it helps children construct knowledge and make sense of their world.  Piaget promoted inquiry… [read more]

Summertime Fun with your Kiddos!

Summer is here and I am sure, like myself, many of you are planning what the summer is going to look like, both with camps and vacation time with the children! Here are some tips and tricks to make this summer fun and relaxing for everyone, regardless of how old your little ones are! Planning on… [read more]

Give Your Kids a ‘70s or ‘80s Summer (like we all had)

As we head into summer, I have noticed that in the last few weeks alone I have, on a number of occasions, discussed/reminisced with various people about how we used to spend our summers as kids and wonder how my kids will be spending their summers in the years ahead.  I remember literally getting on… [read more]

Scraped Knees and Watermelon Seeds

I remember growing up and looking forward to the coveted summer vacation from school. It held the potential for endless adventures and fun in the sun. Every day I’d come home covered in sand, dirt and sweat from the day. Bliss. That was a long time ago…Parents, myself included, are now terrified at the idea… [read more]

Victoria Day Picnic

I’m so excited for the Victoria Day long weekend coming up May 17-19. It’s such a great opportunity to spend time with the family! My family and I try to always make an effort to do something together. Some great ideas for family activities are having a picnic or going on a bike ride. Here… [read more]

The Importance of Play

Having had the opportunity to create and build the National Day of Play initiative for Kids & Company (check out the event here), I have been learning more and more about the importance of play not only for our children but for us parents as well! Reading the most recent 2013 Report Card from Active Healthy… [read more]

Kidco Kitchen Activity – Food Collages!

Last week, we had a very special guest at our office. Kids & Company’s Human Resource Manager’s daughter spent the day with us and actually influenced my blog for today. She was looking for a fun activity idea and decided, seeing my many interesting food magazines, that she would like to put together a food… [read more]

Fun with Food and Nutrition – Mix a Fruit Salad!

I came across the ‘Mix a Fruit Salad” game recommended for preschool-aged children while looking through a newsletter issued by our Public Health Nutritionist in Nova Scotia. While I’m not one to suggest playing with your food, I do love this fun food activity. Looking for ways to have your children play together? The whole… [read more]

Fun Food Valentine’s Day Ideas

Will you be my Valentine? Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching. I hope you are taking advantage of Kids & Company’s Date Night tonight. It’s a perfect way to spend some time with your Valentine – and I’m sure your little ones will love spending an evening with their best friends and teachers! Do you have… [read more]

Having Fun in our Mini Masters Program!

Last week in our Toddler Mini Masters Program, the children concluded their lesson plans on French Artist Henri Matisse. They looked at his piece “The Snail” which was created during Matisse’s “Painting with scissors” collage stage of his artistry. The children were encouraged to make their own “snail” collage using different shapes of paper glued on… [read more]