Kids & Company Blog

We Ap-PEACH-iate You!

Did you know the whole month of August is national peach month? August is the perfect month to celebrate peaches because nothing says summer like biting into the perfect juicy peach and having the juice run down your face and arms. They may be a bit of a sticky mess but is it ever worth… [read more]

Feature Recipe: Kidco Kitchen Tex Mex Madness

Fork Facts: The word “Tex-Mex” first entered the English language as a nickname for the Texas Mexican Railway, chartered in southern Texas in 1875. In train schedules published in the newspapers of the 19th century the names of railroads were abbreviated…alias “Tex-Mex”. Palate Profile: Tex-Mex (from Texas and Mexico) is a fusion of Mexican and… [read more]

Corny Corn!

With the summer burning bright and hot, using the BBQ or grill is a great way to introduce new flavour into a meal and keep the heat out of the kitchen. Today we are going to talk about how to throw the best BBQ! A popular August menu item is fresh, sweet corn! Corn (also… [read more]

August Long Weekend – put the breaks on!!

It’s hard to believe we are almost half way through summer! The start of August reminds us that we need to cherish this last month of summer. August is also a cue for some of us to take a well-deserved break! Across Canada the first Monday of August is recognized as a public holiday. Even… [read more]

My o Mia – we love papayas!

This summer has been coming in hot – literally! Papaya’s also known as “tree melons” or pawpaws in Australia are a great tropical fruit to help refresh your family this hot summer. There are two types of papayas, Hawaiian and Mexican. The Hawaiian papayas are the most common and typically found in most supermarkets. The… [read more]

Versatile Zippy Zucchini

The days are getting longer, the temperatures are rising and all of a sudden there are lots of new veggies to choose from. The best way to optimize the freshest most nutritious produce is to purchase local seasonal vegetables so make sure you pull over the next time you are driving by a roadside veggie… [read more]

I Love You Berry Much!

Strawberry picking is a common summer activity in Canada. You don’t have to travel very far to buy local berries because they grow in every Canadian province and U.S state! These delicious fruits not only represent our country’s colour but our Indigenous peoples were one of the first to find strawberries. The Indigenous peoples even… [read more]

Happy Independence Day Neighbours!

Happy Independence Day to our neighbours and friends in the United States. We are so excited to have our eight US locations filled with happy children. Celebrating a nation’s Independence Day is always an occasion filled with joy and pride. This year your family might consider visiting the nation’s capital for the Independence Day parade,… [read more]

Happy Birthday Canada!

It is hard to believe that it is nearly Canada Day weekend once again with a chance to barbeque, relax, and celebrate Canada’s Birthday with fireworks, festivals, and food. This July 1st marks the 151st year for Canada, so to celebrate our love for everything Canuck, why not put together a menu that includes choices… [read more]

Wondrous Watermelon- A Fruit or a Vegetable?

Did you know that watermelons are part of the same family as cucumbers, pumpkins and squash? They really do get to be both a fruit and a vegetable at the same time! Amazingly enough, you can eat the whole watermelon, seeds and all; you can even eat the rind, but most people don’t enjoy the… [read more]