Kids & Company Blog

Flavours of the Rainbow

Eating colourful foods are not only delicious but also nutritious! Consuming a variety of foods can ensure you are getting all of the wonderful nutrients your body needs. Eating all the colours of the rainbow is a great way to make sure you get tons of healthy vitamins and minerals for you and your family. Canada’s food… [read more]

Preschool Graduation!

Preschool Graduation is just around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited!  We have loved watching our students grow and learn so many new things over the years. Our teachers have developed such wonderful bonds with their students and are so proud to see them reach this important milestone. Whether they are moving to… [read more]

It’s Daddy Day!

Now that summer is almost here, it’s time to soak up the warmer weather with some special members of the family! Celebrate Father’s Day on Sunday, June 18th with your dad, grandfather, uncle or any of your wonderful role models! Father’s Day is a time when you can show the important fatherly figures in your life… [read more]

Farm to Fork

Eating local and in season can have tremendous benefits to the nutrition of our food, and can be a great activity for the family. You may be surprised at the large variety of fruits and vegetables that can be grown just around the corner from where you live! There are so many delicious fruits and vegetables… [read more]

Hydration Nation

Long, hot summer days are on the way and it is important for us all to remember to stay hydrated! More than half of our body weight is made up of water, and we have to replace what we lose! Hydration can be forgotten when your family is busy having fun in the sun. Dehydration can happen… [read more]

Pre or Probiotics that is the Question

Lately the media has been bombarding us with the ongoing health benefits of probiotics – but what really are probiotics? Why are they so good for us? Probiotics are a type of live bacteria that are naturally present in our gut. You might be wondering why there is such a craze over probiotics – isn’t… [read more]

Meet the Parents: When Two Elite Athletes Have Children

With close to 90 child care and early learning centres across Canada and the US, Kids & Company is partnered with a lot of parents and we are proud to be part of ‘The Village’ that it takes to raise children. Even though each child, parent and family is so unique, there are a number… [read more]

The Official Kick Off to Summer

The Victoria Day long weekend is the official start of summer for many families and the perfect time to fire up the barbeque.  There is tons to do with your family over the long weekend such as going for a bike ride, having a picnic in the park or even just hanging out in the… [read more]

Meet the Parents: Real Families Talk About the Journey of Parenting

With over 100 child care and early learning centres across Canada and the US, Kids & Company is partners with a lot of parents and we are proud to be part of ‘The Village’ that it takes to raise children. Even though each child, parent and family is so unique, there are a number of… [read more]

Mother’s Day 2017

April showers bring May flowers! Days are getting warmer, flowers are blooming, birds are chirping, and summer is just around the corner. It’s the perfect time to get more active with your little ones outdoors, enjoy quality time with family and most importantly celebrate Mother’s Day! On Mother’s Day, we take the time to thank… [read more]