Kids & Company Blog

Easter Weekend

Spring is here! Which means it’s also time to celebrate our favourite egg-hunting holiday, Easter! However, in an effort to continue encouraging healthy eating in my family, this year we are opting out of tempting, succulent chocolate kind and going back to good old chicken eggs and special little hidden presents. The eggs look just… [read more]

Spring Menu Launch

Spring has finally sprung and we are super excited to announce the launch of our new Spring Menu! All of your favourites are back by popular demand, along with several fresh, new additions with a twist. This season, we have brought back some of the Kidco Kitchen classics such as Swedish Meatballs and Roaring Red… [read more]

Food: Do as I Say Not as I Do

I am the least healthy eater in our household. Before that put me in second place but now that we have two kids I’m in fourth. My husband is athletic and was raised with an eye to nutrition, homemade meals and balance. Although my family has always been active and healthy, I inherited my mother’s… [read more]


Milk and other calcium-rich foods are a must-have in kids’ diets. After all, calcium is a key building block for strong, healthy bones. Most kids don’t get their recommended 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day, but that’s not a problem at Kids & Company! We make sure your kiddies are served milk twice a day… [read more]

Groovy Grains

This nutrition month, our students will be learning all about the different food groups, one of them being grains! The goal is to teach your kiddies the importance of whole grains which we only serve from the Kidco Kitchen. Grain products derive from foods made of wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, rye, quinoa,… [read more]

Herbivore Lovers!

Everyone knows that meats like chicken, turkey and beef are full of protein, which is important to keep our bodies healthy and strong. What some people don’t realize is that there are other food sources we can consume to gain the protein that our bodies need. Here at Kids & Company we make sure to… [read more]

Are You Feeling The Luck Of The Irish

This month we are so excited to offer your school aged kiddies tons of fun programs including on and off site activities during March Break! Off site we will be going on lots of fun field trips and on site the days will be filled with amazing activities including yummy snacks and lunch made by… [read more]

Crazy Carrot Curriculum

March is Nutrition Month!  This month in our proprietary Kidco Kitchen Nutrition Curriculum,  our students will be learning all about our various food groups and their nutritional benefits! Throughout the year, our kiddies learn the importance of all different types of nutritious foods that we should be eating to grow into strong, healthy adults.  In February, our students… [read more]

The Slow Death, Revival and Evolution of Romance Post-Kids

Romance does not die a sudden death after a baby. It’s not there one day and poof! gone the next. In fact, mutal love and adoration of a teensy tiny baby that you and our partner created might even generate a new kind of romance as you look at each other in a new, awe-filled… [read more]

Hooked on Hemp Seeds

There are so many reasons why hemp seeds have become popular over the years! It is one of the highest sources of complete protein out of all the plant based foods and in fact they contain 11 grams of protein in just one teaspoon! It is free of sugar, trans-fat, and cholesterol, and many hemp… [read more]