Kids & Company Blog

Stock Up on Staples!

A great way to stay organized in the kitchen during hectic times is to stock up on staple foods, cook in advance, and portion it out for future use. This may sound like an daunting chore, but I’m here to simplify the process and tell you exactly what you need to buy and what you… [read more]

Owen’s Second Birthday Party!

Being a mother of eight, I’ve seen and organized many birthday parties over the years. I stopped doing parties for my kids once they turned 12, so you can imagine, I’ve experienced a LOT of parties. I’m lucky enough now to be able to stand on the side lines and enjoy my grandkids parties without… [read more]

Managing Sleep & The Holidays

By: Janey Reilly of WeeSleep The holiday season is fast-approaching; while many parents of young children are stressing about last-minute gift purchases, others simply want to get their wee ones and themselves some proper sleep in time for this hectic time of year.Managing an overtired toddler as you host out-of-town guests, or navigating your 6-month… [read more]

Spice Up Your Life!

The holiday season is upon us, and we cannot wait to celebrate together. All of our centres will be hosting a Holiday Party this week for all of you and your kiddies to attend together and enjoy a yummy snack spread! We love our annual holiday parties because it’s a great way to spend quality… [read more]

Why we chose Kids & Company for our boys

It took a while for me to settle into being a mom. I am very Type A, efficient, organized. I had an idea in my head of what it would be like, the things I would do, the baby we would have. And it’s funny to me now, how much I wanted to be prepared… [read more]

Meatless Mondays

Meatless Mondays have been all the rage lately because they are good for your health, the environment, and your wallet. Going meat free one day each week is such a great way to familiarize your kiddies with foods that are nutritious, delicious while also reducing our ecological footprint.  Transitioning your diet towards meatless meals can… [read more]

Crying on Santa’s Lap and Other Holiday Memories

As we looked at our family calendar the other day, trying to pinpoint the best day to go get our Christmas tree in between work, sport, school concerts and holiday gatherings, I had a familiar feeling. I felt stressed about the holidays and wondered how we were going to get everything done. When would there… [read more]

The One Pot Wonder

Our parents continually tell me that the hardest part of making a daily nutritious healthy dinner is the dreaded clean up.  They have pots and pans all over the place, food on the counter, floor and sometimes even the ceiling!!  I have a solution for you……… pot dishes are super convenient as they reduce dishes… [read more]

Establishing a Sleep Routine

Establishing a sleep routine for your baby can often be challenging and frustrating at times for new parents. I learned the hard way with my first as there was a lot of patting, rubbing and rocking. I decided to get it right with my second!  I think it helped that he loved to sleep (and still does… [read more]

Did Someone Say Retail Therapy?

Did someone say retail therapy??  We are celebrating Shopping Day on Saturday December 3rd nationally so that you can have a wonderful day focused on getting ready for the holidays, while we look after your little ones. Once the gift giving is sorted out it is time to focus on my favourite part of any… [read more]